If you have a weak stomach don't click on the following link. (Those of you who know me well, can guess what it is. You are probably all shaking your heads, and wondering if I did a throat culture on myself and then looked at the white puss I extracted under my microscope. I did not. I am too weak for such exhilarating and enlightening fun, although I have been dreaming about performing said experiment since my first symptom sparked.)
I've got this. (This is just a facsimilie of what is in my throat; I assure you, mine is ten times worse! ;) Drama. Drama.) It's gnarly. It feels like everytime I swallow the roughest sandpaper known to Home Depot is ripping the tender tissues of my esophogus. Oh, and there is fire too. After the shreading of the soft threads a sharp flame ignites which makes my eyes swell and drip, uncontrollably. I am not hyperbolizing here, exaggerating for emphasis. That is seriously how it feels. No kidding. Jokes in my pockets.
Good news is I have these,
and this,
and I get to eat lots of these. As my good friend Olivia would say, "Woot." Woot for popsicles.
and I am losing a lot of lbs...(You were right Kate. I was surprised when they weighed me at the doctor.)
So basically the burning and lacerating in my throat is making me skinny, and that's a good thing. ;)
I could use a good laugh though. So leave me some love: a joke, a story, a hug through blogger comments, something, anything to boost my down-trodden spirit. (Now I am just being dramatic! ;))
p.s. I want to have Antibiotic's baby; I have only taken three, but man, they work wonders!
p.p.s. My husband, gets a big, fat, thank you and I love you shout out for holding down the fort so well while I have been bed-ridden. Thanks Jdawg. I will do the same for you when you catch the burny throat!! I want to have your baby too! xoxo K
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Strep Throat: The New South Beach Diet
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8:32 PM
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{{{{{Poor Kam!}}}}} Hope you feel better soon! Strep throat is the WORST! I think you should at least let yourself have one popsicle WITH sugar in it :)--or those all fruit popsicles--those are tasty and the raspberry ones are sour enough they feel like they're kind of numbing your throat. Hop on over to my blog. There's something up there that will give you a good laugh. Then go back to bed!
Are you having a baby? or do i just read into things? lol. Ok, so sad you have a throat issue...but I may have taken that over my short stay in the ER yesterday (thanks to Tonya for making me go...do we only listen to her because she's a nurse?). At least you look forward to the medicine they give you...me on the other hand wish I could have done without my heart stopping injection...YUCK! And as for losing weight...I get my heart to run at 150-187 for 2 1/2 hours and probably didn't burn one little calorie. So much for my luck! get better.
Oh, honey. I am SOOOOOO sorry. That stinks. There really should be some clause in the universe that says moms can't get sick. Enjoy your popsicles. And your weighloss. All I did was go to the gym and torture myself with planks and squats. And I will still be working off last nights dinner... wanna come over and share the love?? Hee hee. I am SO just kidding...
did you have to get that monster shot in your lil hinney? Holy cow...the needle on that thing always made me cringe when I was giving it...it was huge and if you didn't go fast and hard enough...it would just bounce right off the skin...(nice visual, I know...)
Sorry your sick...not fun at all...when I was in nursing school my sister and I would always joke around about what illnesses would make the perfect diet...
we were total microbiology nerds and would have fun in lab coming up with the perfect test tube e. coli diet...
little too much info I am sure...
I think the same sand paper from home depot is being used to scratch my cranuim raw right now...I am about to give up...
Feel better soon...
Did I not tell you that I had Strep on the 23rd. I had the shot so I assumed I was safe!!! I not only infected you, it seems I gave it freely to Hyrum too! SORRY! I feel for you, but at least it's only once. This is time number 5 for me since July!
Hey sweetie,
I am sorry to hear about your misery. I wanted to tell you that I got to "fish' with your Gunnie off of the cultural hall stage yesterday. He "cast" Bobby off the stage and invited me to help him real in the fish, we had a wonderful banquet from our catch, and he warned me about the sharks with the sharp teeth. All True... missed your cute face on our visit to our Eastvale family for Trevor Westover's "farewell".
Being sick is intuitive - not South Beach! Come on KAM you know better! I heart you - feel better.
back in fourth grade, when i wanted to die of leukemia--because i'd read a book about a girl whose sister was a pretty cheerleader who died of leukemia, and i couldn't imagine anything better than being a tragic, beautiful cheerleader (still can't)--I was a strep throat CARRIER (I was convinced that I had leukemia and had simply been misdiagnosed). This meant that I could be STRUCK DOWN at any minute with pussy throat globules and weakness. I powered through it though... like Beth from Little Women, only better, because I didn't die... and I know you will, too, Kamee. I can see it in you: you're a beautiful cheerleader with an iron immune system.... I don't know what I'm saying anymore, but this is where my mind goes when you say "strep throat." Please don't post on your blog if you ever get the CLAP. You do NOT want to get me started on that. Love you. Feel better.
Olivia-- You are too funny. And crazy. I was all set to send some love Kamee's way... and now I'm laughing too hard.
And Kam-- I'm so sorry. I have been battling a sore throat all day, and it's no where nearly as bad as yours.... but it sucks. And I just want you to know I feel a fraction of your pain. Get well.
ohhhh noooo!!! strep throat is the worst. that is exciting that you are losing weight though...maybe you can lose a bunch, start bulking up at the gym an then make an appearance on American Gladiators :-] that would definitely be the route the take. I MISS YOU! feel better soon!!! tell gunnar and jaren that i say hello.
Oh you poor thing! I had strep throat plenty of times in my earlier years and I feel your pain! You don't want to do anything but sleep. Let me know if you need anything.
Nuz! You have no idea what sleuthing I had to do to find anyway of contacting you. I’m so sorry you are sick, but I’m happy to have finally found you again. I haven’t had the chance to thank you for the Christmas postcard. You are so thoughtful; I have thought about you very often over the years. Your family is adorable from what I see of them here on your blog. Your pictures are fantastic. I had no idea what a great photographer you are—keep it up! Best wishes in getting better with all the Meds!
Marianne Jolley
dang--maybe i should've put up with that fire, sandpaper & slow tortuous death last month to lose a few more pounds!
and i'm so jealous--i'm a nurse there & they didn't give me lidocaine....i had to wait the 2 days for the antibiotic to kick in. (and no way was i taking that shot....did you?!)
*HUGS* feel better soon!
I kid you not....
Today's word of the day in my collab class: antibiotic.
Feel better. I hear Jim Beam is a cure-all.
I hope you are feeling better. Try cozying up in bed with an ice cold drink and a great DVD (I like The Holiday or In Her Shoes, lately). Strep throat is the WORST. Get better quick.
What, I go under the radar and you go and get Strep Throat? Like that hurts or something. Like everytime you breath, you are reminded that you want to no breath again. Just kidding. I'm sorry you were sick, and with a child, it's just no possible to take the needed time off. Jaren is such a great hubby! I'm so glad you want to have kids with him. That's the funniest thing you wrote. I LOVE your humor. It reminds me when you and Jaren went to the HIgh School Prom at the school you student taught at, and you told me you were going to "go all the way!" Lots of laughs! I truly hope you are on the mend.
And Olivia is right, I couldn't agree with her more, please don't post pictures of any clap on your blog! What a funny girl, I like her already.
Cheers Kam!
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