I had the opportunity to get out on a outstandingly glamorous photo shoot today with my friend Heather and her daugher Paige. Paige is an up-and-coming actress/model (yep, she has an agent) who needed some up-dates for her portfolio. Heather asked; I obliged. ;) Not all of these will work for a portfolio (I added some Kamee flair), but we had a great time finding some local color and being together. Our kids hit it off great too! We started the shoot at 10:30 and ended the day at about 3:00. It was so much fun! I not only got to snap some darling shots of Paige, but I had the chance to practice a bit on a very photogenic adult. Without further ado I present Hottie Heather and Pixy Paige...
Watch out Fergie Ferg- it does not get more glamorous than this!

Nothing spells out glam like cute little toes...that were painted by the way...pink. It was chipping though. Time for a pedi Paigey.
Can those little whisps of blonde hair be more angelic?
Heather took me to a place that had a to-die-for red barn with chipping paint. Chipping Paint is HIGH FASHION as far as I am concerned. I will be going back there for sure!
This picture is called Big Little. ;)
Sweet Boots Paige! ;)
See what I mean? PHOTOGENIC! And a great conversationalist. I really enjoyed talking with Heather. She is interesting and textured and not afraid to tell you how it is; I like that in people. I wish I had more of that trait. She is beautiful too. Rob is lucky.
Paige and Nash (Not Pictured-Yet. Due to conflicts with a nap schedule he was unable to attend the shoot. Maybe next time.) are lucky too.
I grabbed this chair from Heather's house on the way out. Paige is clapping for me. "Hooray for Kamee for bringing such a cool chair! I look so stinkin' cute in it."
Did you really think I would post without throwing my little punk in here somewhere? Yep, Gdawg came along for the shoot too. He did great as my second shooter. I love you little man!
When we saw this wall we knew we had to turn around and get some pictures by it. Then we stumbled on a even better surprise: the old rusted patio furniture left out back. I will make a return visit for sure.
I loved this yellow and thought it suited Paige perfectly.
It also made these fine new shoes pop!(I am a sucker for red shoes!) Heather was such a good sport. She ducked, squated, lunged, basically did whatever I asked to make the frame work. She got her second work out for the day no doubt.
Paige had wardrobe changes. It was fun. Gunnar wouldn't let me do that, I don't think.
Heather kept telling Paige to close her mouth. She closed her eyes instead. It was sweet.
The kiddos really did have a great time together. Who wouldn't with Dairy Queen in hand? Come on. Seriously.
I have a blue bench that I am in love with. Pictures turn out great when taken on the blue bench. Seriously. I love it's color and charm.
and I am not sure what else is more glitz and glam than hot pink sunglasses. Can you top that Fergie? I didn't think so.
I took over 1000 pictures of these two (and a few of my boy) so there are bound to be a few more show up. Consider this a lengthy teaser! Thanks for the great day; I can't wait for our next shoot!! p.s. You owe me an extra large DQ Blizzard!! Oreo, please. (I am totally kidding!)
p.s. Wondering what this is?
It's my new watermark. I am going to be throwing it down on my pictures so you all can't right click on them, print them off, claim us as family, and throw our mugs and the other people I photograph in your scrapbooks and stuff. HA! ;) I am staking a claim on what is mine. Alright? ;) Plus I hope this camera takes me somewhere new and exciting in '08 and I think the watermark might come in handy. ;)
p.p.s My throat is normal. I love antibiotics. Thanks for all your love and concern and fun stories to cheer me up. I am back in the saddle.
Gorgeous pics, great watermark, and super cute subjects. You are becoming quite talented, Kam. Love watching you work it!
Funniest comment from Paige while I was showing her the pics...she came to the pic with the pink chair and she said "oh no mom....my toesees are dirty". LOL...i told you she doesn't like getting her feet dirty.
Good job Kam. Darn, now it's going to take more time to crop out that watermark. Just kiddin' good stuff. Like the "headshot" of your son.
these are so fun!
Heather showed you the Red Bard...one of the very few fun places I have seen out here...we need to hunt for new locations!
My fav is the Heather Shot with the red shoes in focus...
Where is that yellow wall?
Talk soon...
I love the pictures. And the watermark is tres chic. ;) I wish we had cool colorful walls and stuff out here. The rain just washes it all off. :(
Boy, now YOU'RE going to need an agent! Those all turned out beyond great! The K is fab too. I think I love the blue bench and ice cream shots best. And I was drooling over the rusted patio furniture--I'd love to get my hands on that!
Thank you soooo much for sharing! Can't wait to see more.
Funny that your post was titled 'glamorous'--that is actually the subject I was posting on tomorrow. Mine won't be filled with lovely photos though....
Love love LOVE the pic of the red shoes in focus!! I have a thing for red shoes too and it makes me want to go shopping :)
Someday I'll get to brag about how I knew you way-back-when..
You are so talented! You have really grown in the photography field. Thanks for sharing your talent it has motivated me to start camera shopping so the pictures of my kids look better. What kind of camera do you have??
Ditto! I simply must get your camera. But one question, what does the "K" stand for? Sorry, no one else stated the obvious.
You are a genious photographer and I want to download your know-how into my brain. Where did you learn it all?
The water mark is "hella mad phat."
That's a new phrase I'm trying to use, but I'm sure I'm not using it in context or with the proper slang. I think its eubonics, but I'm not sure.
all of them.
and i know you had fun doing it...how could you not if you get to use your camera all day!
love the bright colors in every shot.
have a wonderful day.
i will be back....
I love your photos! I want to do all that with my camera.
Hope you're feeling better.
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