Playdoh, or Pah Du, as Gunnar refers to it, is a favorite activity at our home. Well, it is for one of us. I love the idea of building something with bright colored clay and all sorts of toys to help contruct any creation. I hate the mess it leaves behind.
My sister has banned Playdoh from her house. I used to feel sorry for her kids; the more we play with it the more I realize her restriction from the stuff is wise and totally valid. There is always a residue left behind and small pieces that either are stomped into the carpet or left to dry on the floor and in time become swept away, dried bits of "fun". It makes my hands feel weird and tight after. Even when I wash. I wonder if I am allergic to a chemical found in Playdoh. Maybe I should look at a small specimen under my microscope to see if I can find anything that would be causing a reaction. ;) The tools of enhancement always have to be washed after too so more calcified articles aren't produced which in turn multiples the dish washing. I'm not saying I won't get it out and play Pah Du the next time Gunnar asks; I'm just saying I might see if I can get Gunnar interested in something else like my Us Weekly or maybe a pedicure, or maybe even a trip to the Dairy Queen. ;)
Anyone else share my feelings? Is it banned from your home like it is my sister's?
p.s. One of my biggest pet peeves is when dough isn't spelled correctly. I am bugged when I see donut shops. DO-NUT. What's a DO-NUT? I think it should be spelled doughnut. I got on a soap box once during class one day. One of my students look in the dictionary to see how it was spelled- donut is an acceptable spelling. What? Webster was smoking a crack pipe! ARGHHH!!! I still think it should be spelled doughnut.
Any other grammar misuses that bug you? I could go one about that for days. ;)
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Pah Du
Posted by
7:36 AM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
A Model, and Actress, but Most Importantly a Mom
On Friday, Gunnar and I ventured to the coast. I had a shoot scheduled at the beach with a girlfriend and her two daughters. Unfortunately, the rains came and washed our plans away. We opted for something casual, relaxed, and mellow at Eva's beautiful home.
I met Eva through Kate. Our kids were in swim lessons for a while together. While they were learning how to hold their breath and "kick, kick, kick", the moms had great bonding time. I found myself magnetized to Eva on several levels. She is genuinely interested in people and their lives. If I shared something that was happening with me she would be sure and follow up with how things had gone the next week. She is a great listener and is very open to others' ideas and thoughts. She's smart too; she graduated from Yale. (And I found out on Friday she interviews potential Yale candidates at her home-sans compensation-just because she loves the school and wants to give back; that's impressive. If BYU asked me to interview potential students I would say, "Yeah, for sure, I'll do it. If Gunnar and the rest of my future offspring can attend the Univeristy with full-rides! ;))
She's beautiful and strong and brave and successful. She had a thriving tutoring business, was a working model, and had landed several acting gigs. What impressed me the most about her and still does is that she surrendered it all to be home with her girls. I found myself very connected to her when we talked about losing ourselves but finding our true spirits by being with our kids. I know that I met her at a certain point in my life because I needed to rely on her courage to let it all go, to be perfectly content just being- a mom.
These are some highlights from our afternoon together.
Let's start with the newest addition to the family: Ruby. I love that name. So timelessly classic.
She is a very good baby; she didn't make a peep the entire time we were together.
She is starting to be really smiley and playful; that is such a fun time.
So little for too little a time.
Her mama was able to get so many giggles from her.
She was content being held,
being still,
and being loved on by her big sis, Ellie.
Ellie has so much energy and character.
The purple strap around her neck is connected to a bright pink guitar; that was awesome. She's a rockstar.
I learned something new about her: she loves Thomas the Train. Her eyes were glued to an episode. I love it when little girls love little boy things.
She also loves her mom; the two of them have a sweet connection. (I think most moms and first borns do. ;))
She's busy. I had to work fast to get her in a rare still moment. ;)
And now for the great genentics behind these two beauties.
She was taking a peek at our kiddos, who had willingly put themselves in time out.
She is a confident woman who is completely comfortable in her own skin; I admire that.
Finally, all three together, a mama and her babies at the place she needs to be- her home.
Eva- Thanks for the opportunity to come to your gorgeous home, to visit with a friend, and enjoy your warm company! I was filled with encouragement. I appreciate all the confidence you have in me and my endeavors. Good luck keeping up with those two- xoxo Kam
Posted by
10:47 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Cool Car, Scooby Doo on Location, and Pizza
This is the story of a little boy who didn't want to have his picture taken.
Even though he was sitting on a really cool car.
A really cool, vintage car.
A really cool, vintage, old car.
He was just hungry. He's a lot like me when he needs to eat; there isn't much that can make him happy besides food. When I need to eat even a Nordstrom shoe sale can't sway me from listening to my high-maintenace stomach. (I take that back- it depends on the shoe. I would go hungry for a really great pair of shoes. ;))
After admiring the car, that Gunnar desperately wanted to drive we found a spooky place. It was perfect for an episode of Scooby Doo.
Who lives at 7010?
Why are the blinds always drawn and askew?
What wrinkled and weathered hand turns this deadbolt?
Gunnar was going to get to the bottom of it.
He just needed to look for clues, and pick off some paint.
Then out of no where came a creepy cat lady, who flicked her cigarette into the bushes, nicotine sparks parachuting to the ground.
"Get out of here you meddling kids!"
I didn't get her picture and she didn't really say that, but she really did come out of no where and it did kind of scare me, and she really did smell. Bad.
Instead of her picture I will just show you this wrought iron. ;)
There really was a creepy lady, with a cigarette, no cat. She told me Gunnar was a natural and that I needed to watch out. What out for what? I started to feel weird so we left creepy no-cat lady behind and went to satisfy our stomach with some good...
Whose having pizza for dinner tonight? ;)
"Stop taking pictures a me Mom!"
After lunch he was back in his A game.
I didn't get his face cleaned off as well as I should have. No problem. He licked the rest off. ;)
I love you Gunnar. Thanks for the adventure and the lunch date. When shall we go again? xoxo Mommy Mom
Posted by
10:23 AM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Colleen: The Artsy Beauty Queen
Saturday, I headed down to the beach to one of my favorite beach cities to have some fun with friends. My friend Colleen and I have been talking about taking some pictures of her for her husband's desk at work as a gift for Valentine's. I thought this was such a fun idea. (He just got a new office and she and I both decided he needed some serious frosting for his desk.) Tim is not going to be able to concentrate with her beautiful mug staring back at him; SHE IS DROP DEAD GORGEOUS! And her personality, I can't even begin to describe how magnetizing and engaging she is. I could talk to her all day and not be bored. Take a look. By the end of this post you will be wishing you were friends with her too. ;)
See what I mean? Gorgeous!
I love the connotations behind this picture: She is the one Tim wants to see first when he walks in the door. Colleen is home to Tim. I just love the sentiment I feel when I see this photograph: no matter what the day brought she will welcome him with that contagious and assuring smile and he will know he is in a safe and happy place filled with love and laughter.
Colleen's an artist.
When she suggested we shoot at her house, I jumped at the thought of being surrounded by her palate of colors. Her home is stunningly decorated with several original pieces. They are all distinctive and original. Each has a story behind it too. I enjoyed hearing about the muse behind her artwork. (I hope to comission a piece someday too, a mermaid. For a little girl's room. Please, please, Lucky Art God, send me a girl.)
Some details from her studio.
These pictures will make you smile.
See. Contagious.
This picture will make Tim's heart skip a beat.
See. Gorgeous.
Colleen has so much spirit and energy; I think that is why I enjoy her company so much. It was interesting to see however, how peaceful and calm she became with a paint brush in her hand.
More gorgeousness.
I the name of art, I had a try with my medium.
Here's my attempt at getting artsy...
Even though this picture is of Baby Emmi (Who finally had her eyes open. She is usually asleep when we are together.) I have to give a shout-out to my friend Kate. It was so fun being able to spend some time with you too. (You all have met her before; She's Kyle's mom. She's also Colleen's big sis.)
Gunnar and Ky-Ky made an appearance at this shoot too. Colleen let them have a go with the paints; I think they both destroyed their shirts, and her brushes. All in good fun, right?
Thanks so much for the opportunity. I loved our day! I hope you have enough pictures to cover Tim's desk, as if he needed any reminding of you! How could he forget someone so unforgettably irresistible? ;) Can't wait to see you again. Thanks again- Kam
Posted by
8:52 PM