The day after Christmas always feels like such a bummer. I actually prefer all the build up to Christmas instead of the day itself. It just feels like such a tremendous let down. I told my sister-in-law and cousin the other day that I normally want to take everything down and get things back to normal as soon as possible after the 25th because I don't want to be reminded that it is all over. Does anyone else feel this way?
Not to be too humbugish though as we still have a few days left in December, I have decided to share a few more pictures from our festivus visit to see Santa.
I had been coaching G-man for a few weeks and had been singing him the "Santa Baby" song- you know the one where the lady wishes for all sorts of great and affordable things: a sable, a yacht, a deed, a ring. So Gunnar assumed since we had been singing that song so much that that was Santa's full name, Santa Baby, and he referred to him, in conversation, as such. He fell asleep in the car on the way; he didn't get enough rest and needless to say, wasn't too jazzed about sitting on the ole Santa Baby's lap.

If you want to see the picture we selected, check out Jess's blog (in a few days). I asked her to scan it for me so we could send it to our parents through email. She told me she liked the picture so well she was going to post it on her blog too. ;) I am waiting for her to get it in the mail (I forgot to give it to her the night we got together to see a great film called, P.S. I Love You- Swank pulled it off. I was nervous at first, but she did it. If you are wondering or even care, the book is so much more emotional than the film and I cried 3/4 of the way through the movie. My girlfriend April cried at the start of the previews. Yea, it's that good.)Anyway, back to the real reason for the post... for some reason she doesn't always receive the things I send her in the mail. I hope she gets this one though. You will not want to miss seeing the snapshot we purposely chose and paid for.
After Santa, we promised him lots of things to help make him happy, like most accommodating parents right? You scratch our backs and do something that makes you feel really uncomfortable and scared, and we'll scratch yours by taking you on the train, and the carousel, and by feeding you any number of sweets your terrified heart desires.

I love that little smile and how happy he gets at the simplest things. I smile like that too when mac is having a sale or it's Nordstrom's half-yearly. I am just as simple as he is! ;)

A little love from his dad. I sometimes have to remind Jaren that he fell in love with me first, that I was around long before Gunnar. ;)

Little Boy, I love you. I hope you had a very Merry Christmas! I also hope you have enjoyed the decorations, because they are coming down, tomorrow.
p.s. My blog decorations are going to be boxed-up too. I am getting ready to launch a new face lift! Keep your eyes open for some changes.
These are really cute pics, but the one I just *had* to comment on is the first black-and-white - it is a perfect portrait, indeed... he doesn't look scared, just contemplative and way too old for his cute little self. =] Merry Christmas.
Can't wait for the facelift! [not that it's ugly right now, but blog changes are so fun]. Love the pics, as usual.
That's a whole lot of gorgeous photos. What a fun story to tell and a fun way to tell it.
You'll have to look at my Christmas post as I mused about the decorations coming down much the way you did! Too funny!
Glad you had a Merry Christmas and hope that Santa Baby was kind to you and yours!
great memories...
hey...are those with your old 50mm or your new...they don't look like you have any problems with your old lens if they are with the old one??? I am curious to know...
Glad you had a nice holiday and look forward to the blog revamp...
Are you sure it's Santa he is giving the bird too?
Could you be any more creative?!! I don't think I will ever attempt to do the whole blog thing because every new concept or idea would be me parroting your clever, unique style. And lets be honest my attempts to be you would be disasterous. I don't do pictures so it would all be text...boring. I of course LOVE the pictures you take, but I LOVE equally your ability to express through prose.
Now to answer your first question -You already know I am all about taking the tree down the day after and I must be callous because I do not "cry the day I take the tree down." I love ya mon amie. Thanks for the wonderful time and beautiful memories this past Christmas.
i love the universal mom thing that we just know how to offer just the right things to get what we need. it comes so naturally. =)
all of our decorations are down. i know that there are 12 days of christmas....but i'm not into it. up they go the day after thanksgiving & down they come dec 26th. =)
gunnar's adorable, as always! =)
Ah...What a lucky kid. You both are the sweetest parents of Gunnie and his blankee! And well, I'm looking around. The tree is still up and there is an awful lot of stuff! Everyone is happy, the hubby is home for the week, and I am blissfully exhausted.
RAD pics.. do you love that word rad.. haha.. i am so glad you have normal music back on your site .. and my decorations need to come down.. the five that are up are driving me crazy.. I don't know about the let down - I really love Christmas day because the kids are so happy and excited.. although they are like that for most of december thinking about Santa..
kami, i'm officially obsessed with your blog. your photography skills are incredible (what do you shoot? what lenses do you have? i'm telling you, i'm obsessed!!) i LOVE the way your write about your life. it's emotional and inspiring and hilarious. seriously, why did you move away? i want to be best friends. email me sometime so we can meet up for lunch somewhere in the middle.... you are SO great. :) ~kristy.
oops... my email
I totally feel the same way. I am making Robert take down the decorations for sure tomorrow!
He is darling. The face of a little one tells such a sweet story.
I have been an avid reader of Tonya&Co's blog. Just hopped over from there. It looks like you've received a lot of inspriration from her. She is a master in blog-land. Ultra-chic, as I say.
Looking forward to many more posts filled with your sweet little one.
Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year,
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