My friend, Jessica Claire, who has always been someone I have been enchanted with, is a good friend and our family photographer. She has also been giving me some photography and photoshop tutorials. At our "lessons" we usually end up eating something delicious, talking about the books we like, recent movies we've seen, purchases that must be shared, and funny stories about life. Our last visit I even managed to get all emotional while talking about the difference between happiness and joy and relating it to Gunnar. I think she got a little scared and weirded- out at the motherly paroxysm; sorry Jess. Anyway, amidst all the female boding she also manages to share just a touch of her genius and brilliant talent with me. I also recently scored some time with one of her old mac computers. I am considering making that purchase one day so she thought it would be wise for me to test drive one of hers first. Thanks to her "loan" I am currently having a sordid love affair with photoshop. I am unable to sleep because I am tangled in my lover's "action" arms. :) If my marriage is ruined it is all Jess's fault. ;)

Picture Two: Tecnicolor Dream
Picture Three: Fast and Furious
Picture Four: Boutwell

Picture Five: Vintage
So, which one should they send out to all their friends and family? What would be your choice?
I'm going to have to go with picture #4....i'll go ahead and vote for Rob too, since he has an opinion on pics when it comes to B&W vs. Color....he thinks we always need to go with for him #4 also. Nice work Kamee.
oooohh.... i like #2. they are all beautiful. my photoshop skills are seriously lacking. maybe that will be a project for the new year. you are amazing!
and your house decor is lovely. love-ly.
I like Vintage and Techicolor dream. They look great! I'm bringing the computer. Want you to teach me a few things!
The last one. It has a family comfort feeling to it.
Kamee all your pictures are just beautiful. If I had to choose it would be #4. And thanks for the advice on cameras and such.
I like #4, also. I think you can see the baby a little bit better. In some of them it is a bit too dark. But what do I know???
I like #2 Tecnicolor Dream.
Oh, and I LOVE your wishlist. I had one on my blog a year or so ago and it totally worked. I hope you get all your little heart desires. And then some. :)
I think I like picture four because it shows off all of there faces.
Can't pick - sorry - I am normally a black and white person but the others are kind of amazing. When will you be going into buisness, they look fab-ulous my lady! Did I mention that I miss California - I am glad you are there to enjoy it..
Hi! I got the layout from Just click on Blogger Layouts, and there will be directions on how to get it to your page. Good luck!
Number two is dreamy!
I am going numero uno. I would go with the black and white.
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