Friday I was working on getting our Christmas cards out. I had my back on Gunnie for two minutes. I turned around to check on him and his shirt was off.
"Gunnar, where's your shirt?"
Whatever. I went back to work on my Christmas yule-tidings only to check on him two minutes later to find he had taken his pants off too.
"Gunnie, where are your pants?"
Master of the obvious. Really son? I could see that. Why does my boy like to be naked? It's cold outside too. Why the enchantment with running around nude? (almost nude- he usually has a diaper on.) It was time to get ready for the day anyway so we headed up stairs and I threw him in the tub. After a good scrub (little boys need that) he jumped out and would not let me get him dressed. Not even a diaper. So I did what any normal mother would do: I photographed my naked boy and his little buns running around the house! ;)
"Gunnar, would now be a good time to add on to your calendar for Ky-Ky? Maybe a Mr. March shot?"
"Mother! I am totally aghast and befuddled by your suggestion! How could you even think of something so inappropriate and tasteless. I would never think to send my beloved a picture of me completely and utterly exposed. She is too much of a lady."
"Sorry. Geez. I just thought we could finish it before Christmas. What if we just get some head shots for when you and Caden make it big with your boy band?"
"Yes, Mother. That would be completely acceptable. You can commence with the photography."
These are the "decents" I shot the other day. If my boy grows up to be a metro-sexual and a nudist I take full responsibility for one of those labels, the metro part. He loves Nordstrom almost as much as me. The nudist stuff he gets from somewhere else...

Cade said, "Put on a Chiefs sweatshirt. Or at least a Cougs t-shirt."
I am just relaying the quote.
nuz!! cait just linked me to your blogspot thingy. one, gunnar is THE cutest thing i've ever seen in my life. two, you are so friggin hilarious...i was laughing reading it. three, i LOVE you and miss you so much! i wanna come over with cait soon and see you. :)
love jac
Nothing like your baby's sweet bare body!! You put a smile on my face everytime I read.
Love ya,
Okay, Kam... we have a problem. Now my special internet security software (so the kids don't see anything bad) blocks your site. :) Must be too many uses of the words nude & naked. ;) It says, "The following website is blocked due to the following content: Adult/Mature." So I have to put in my password to override it! Thought you might get a kick out of this.
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