Ok. Apparently there is a blog game called Tagged 7. I do happen to be a gamer (gamer: noun- a lover of games who, in most cases, excels at them.). The rules of Tagged 7 are thus: the person who has been tagged must list 7 distinctive things about himself/herself and then tag 7 other people to do the same. My girlfriend Tonya tagged me. (Her 7 things were all about her girls. She has three beautiful dolls who right now define her life. As it should be, Ton. ;) Kate Cupps, if you want to see really great digi-scrapbook stuff go to her blog. ;) Actually don't; it might make you feel covetous!) Anyways, her post was heartfelt and tender. If anyone feels like a good cry, one that reaches your spirit, check out her blog. She is on my side bar Tonya and Co.) I don't think my post will make you cry. In fact, it might make you feel sick.(See Distinctive Fact 1 and 5). With that said, I now present to you Kamee's 7 disitinctive traits(not in any specific order):
Distinctive Fact 1. I LOVE to look at things under a microscope. I have looked at almost anything you could imagine from boogers to blood, toe nails to dead bugs (Two of Gunnar's former pets were specimen for a while, a beta fish, who jumped out of the make-shift tank: an old blender, and Geen Bug. Beta's have really sharp teeth, but I would never have know had I not taken the time to look under a microscope. ) I saved Gunnar's umbilical cord after his birth. I let it get good an dry and then I observed it for days. In my professional opinion it took the form of green, fuzzy, waffles. Fascinating.
Distinctive Fact 2. I ASK a lot of questions. It is not because I am being nosey; it's because I am really curious and interested in people and the decisions they make. Sometimes I ask too many questions and look like a real idiot, but I genuinely am fascinated by the person or the topic so I continued to inquire...
Distinctive Fact 3. I SOLD my parents' food storage. When I was growing up my parents had a really awesome food storage. It had bins of flour, grain, dried vegetables and fruit, etc. The bin that I liked the best though had cool tooth brushes, tooth paste, little shampoos and conditioners (the kind you get in hotels that are super lame to grown-ups but totally enchanting and cool to kids), hair brushes, basically really cool toiletries. I used to pretend I lived on the Oregon Trail and that I had a shop that pioneers would stop at before going on the perilous journey West or East, which ever direction they were headed...anyway, my friends pretended to be pioneers and would come to my store and "buy" the supplies they needed for the trek. The bin with all the cool soaps and stuff was always a favorite. Like I said, kids are enamored by small shampoo bottles. I got a bright idea. I could set up a real shop and earn some money to buy a Barbie or something cool like skates or a Super Mario Game. I gave everything a real price tag and sure enough, my friends bought my parents' food storage. (I sold little hotel shampoos for a dollar.) My friends were such suckers.

Distinctive Fact 4. I would LOVE to live in London for the rest of my days. If Jaren came home tomorrow and said we were moving abroad, I would have everything packed in an hour. I graduated from high school there and went back my sophomore year of college on a study abroad program; I will never change my American citizenship, but London will always feel like my hometown. I would love to take Jaren there someday.
Disitinctive Fact 5. I HATE to throw up. I can't think of many people that would say they enjoy said activity, but I seriously, genuinely HATE it. I cry every time it is happening to me. It is just so violent and gross. (My good girlfriend, April, and I have a list of things that taste good coming up. Jamba Juice and Golden Spoon are on the top of our list of foods that taste just as good coming up as they do going down.) It would come as no surprise that I get sick on anything that moves. The swings at the park make me feel nauseated. I have thrown up on people's laps on planes before; that's embarassing.

Distinctive Fact 6. I am a big DREAMER. I have dreams of writing a novel that people think is really cool so it sells lots of copies, taking pictures people would pay money for, staring in a movie, running without getting breathless, having a rack that doesn't require a bra, living in NYC and eating yummy baked goods all day, witnessing open-heart surgery, riding my beach cruiser everywhere instead of a car.
Distinctive Fact 7. I could eat Golden Spoon three times a day. It is ambrosia: the food of the Gods.
This isn't Golden Spoon, but I would eat it every meal too. This was taken at the famous ice cream shop Serendipty in NYC. I went there a year ago to visit my girlfriend, Olivia, all by myself, for my 30 birthday.
Distinctive Fact 7.5. I will throw in another just for good measure. ;) I like to meditate. Sitting, doing nothing but breathing is so refreshing. I also really like to be active and sweat...kick box is one of my favorite sweaty activities. (I wish I went as often as I used to. Stupid school!)
Now, I am suppose to tag 7 other people who have to follow suit and play the game. I tag Paige, Katy, Bec (Who I don't expect to play because she just had a baby, but would love to read her responses if she did because she is stinkin' hilarious.), Matty (another hysterical friend), Olivia (One of my most favorite people to walk the earth, who also has the sharpest wit and sense of style! If she plays this silly game I promise her blog will be worth reading. She is a published novelist who works at NYU. Sometimes I dream of being her.), Shannon, Lauren(who should have been a comedian;), and one more, because sometimes I cheat at games(wink, wink, Aps!;)), Kate Cupps.
I am sure I will think of 7 better and more distinctive facts about me tomorrow...maybe I will play this game by myself in future posts. ;) Enjoy and happy week to everyone!
Love the 7. I am right there with ya about London...there is something about Europe that changes ya. I still crave those yummy Hob-Nob cookies and bakery bread...
You should come running with me sometime...not that I am actually hitting the pavement all that often, but it is always good to have a little motivation...yoga...never tried that one...
Golden Spoon...yes...I love their peanut butter in a waffle cone...
Enjoyed reading this...
I am so with you on the Golden Spoon! I would be so skinny if I could afford to eat it every meal!!! My favorites are pumpkin pie, egg nog, mint, coconut and peanut butter (I could go on...:o)!) What are you favorites?
I KNEW IT!! April admitted to the massive dishonesty performed during Cranium. You have been sitting on a throne of lies! Jaren and I are the champs of all time!
I will be mustering up a list of seven things in the next few days. It will be after I vent about a terrible weekend of football.
I hope you finally threw away Gunner's cord.
As far as the throw up thing.. I don’t think I can think of anything else I can't stand more. I was food poisoned by some of DeAnne's cooking(no fault of her own, the grocery store employees were on strike and I think she purchased some eggs that were two months old) and that night I threw up at least 5 times. I wouldn’t wish that night on anyone.
I also can't believe that golden spoon still tastes yummy to you even after it has been mixed with bile?
btw.. I don't know if you had a chance to see the family blog, but it's at: kalayji.blogspot.com
Loved this. So many funny things to comment on that I can't even begin...
I'll try my best to come up with 7.
And I did look at Tonya's blog, and you were right. I shouldn't have. Can't decide if it inspires me or depresses me. :) She's a talented one, that Tonya.
You are hilarious. The cord thing I can totally relate to and the whole microscope thing. After every child is born, I usually mail the shriveled up cord to my sister. She thought it was a raisin and almost threw up when I told her what it was. I'm just glad you didn't adopt the Fockers (from Meet the Fockers) philosophy of keeping something a little more personal. If you don't know what I'm talking about, let me know. I'll work on my list of 7. Thanks for the tag!
Actually in high school I was voted most likely to be a stand up comedian. I think that is so weird - of course not enough people voted. I was hoping for most likely to be a super model - I will have to leave that one to you.. I will ATTEMPT the tag thing, but I can't promise anything..
I too, will attempt the tag sometime in the near future, although with alla that build up, I'm bound to be the biggest disappointment EVER.
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