My sister and her family made the long journey from Utah to be here for Thanksgiving. Gunnar has never had so much attention or in-house playmates. He has been lonely the last couple of days. I have been actively sought out once again to play cars, trucks, and trains. When will they come back for another play date?

Sadie. Their baby. She is just a couple months younger than Gunnar, but boy can she hold her own. Her favorite thing is "lop gloss". She puts it on her lips, licks it off, and then asks for more "lop gloss". She's a girl after my own heart. I used to break into my sister's room while she was away at school and eat her lip glosses. She would come home and find literal divits taken out of them, come running into my room and ask me if I had been in her stuff. The evidence was clearly shining on my face, but I told her I had no idea what had happened. At least Sadie asks. ;)

I love taking pictures of her because she sits perfectly still, and all of her pictures turn out like this one. She is a pure joy to be around and such a pleasure. Oh, and she is an excellent wrestler.
Brianna. I have felt close to Bri since she was born. She is a compassionate and loving person. She loves to hear stories and is a really great listener in return. Bri came to visit me this summer. She went with me to the summer writing class I was teaching and then we went for dinner afterwards. We ate an entire appetizer, entre, and dessert together. We talk like school girls, laughed at each other's jokes, and enjoyed being in each other's company. She is a total doll. She love books and movies too, another girl after my own heart.

Nothing can compare with FAMILY!
Gosh, I can't believe how grown UP Brianna looks!! I remember her as a little toddler. Has it really been that long? All the girls are absolutely lovely. What a nice tribute from their aunt. :)
Kam your pictures are GREAT!!! email me or call so i can get your new info:
I'm taking a photo class at saddleback next semester...wanna come?? :)
Seriously, I thought these were professional pics. You did a great job! Hmmm...perhaps you can take our family pic next year:) Hope your finals went great and one day we'll stop playing this game of phone tag. Talk to you soon.
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