Jaren and I thought this was hysterical! Laugh-out-loud funny. Does it relate to anyone else? More of us than we care to admit? Enjoy a great laugh! Go to the bathroom before you watch this if you are sitting on a full bladder!
p.s. I promise my video posts won't all be about swearing and sex! ;)
p.p.s Are you all rushing to press play because I just said sex? Awesome. ;)
p.p.s.s. Thanks Chris for the tip! ;) You genius, you!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
It's Business Time!!
Posted by
3:56 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Cousins
My sister and her family made the long journey from Utah to be here for Thanksgiving. Gunnar has never had so much attention or in-house playmates. He has been lonely the last couple of days. I have been actively sought out once again to play cars, trucks, and trains. When will they come back for another play date?

Sadie. Their baby. She is just a couple months younger than Gunnar, but boy can she hold her own. Her favorite thing is "lop gloss". She puts it on her lips, licks it off, and then asks for more "lop gloss". She's a girl after my own heart. I used to break into my sister's room while she was away at school and eat her lip glosses. She would come home and find literal divits taken out of them, come running into my room and ask me if I had been in her stuff. The evidence was clearly shining on my face, but I told her I had no idea what had happened. At least Sadie asks. ;)

I love taking pictures of her because she sits perfectly still, and all of her pictures turn out like this one. She is a pure joy to be around and such a pleasure. Oh, and she is an excellent wrestler.
Brianna. I have felt close to Bri since she was born. She is a compassionate and loving person. She loves to hear stories and is a really great listener in return. Bri came to visit me this summer. She went with me to the summer writing class I was teaching and then we went for dinner afterwards. We ate an entire appetizer, entre, and dessert together. We talk like school girls, laughed at each other's jokes, and enjoyed being in each other's company. She is a total doll. She love books and movies too, another girl after my own heart.

Posted by
12:01 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Christmas Is Un-Canceled
First- Anyone know how I erase the green box around my header? I have been tangling with the codes all night, but alas...it is still there? Anyone know the answer?
A little Southern California Snow. This is the best we can do with our weather! ;)
p.s. My pictures are still lost in cyber space. Keep your fingers crossed we are able to save them. I got a call today from a photographer friend who was able to offer some help. He was hopeful; I am too. Thanks for all your support!
Posted by
1:53 AM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I should be decking the halls and feeling the spirit of the holiday, but I can't stop crying.
Get ready for a really sad tale. Mothers, grab your Kleenex.
I was trying to free up space on my computer so I cut and pasted all of the Nuzman family pictures on to our external hard drive. Thinking I would back them up later to Jaren's desktop or to another hard drive or to something. Every picture we had taken, ever, from pre- Gunnar to present day was in that folder. Everything. You all know where this is going don't you? To make a long story short our external hard drive crashed (on Thanksgiving) and we lost everything. Gunnar's birth to present day pictures are gone. I am heartsick and I can't stop crying. Gone.
Go and back up all of your pictures of your children now. Back them up in three places. I would not wish the way I feel right now on anyone. It could be compared to drowning or watching your family drown and not being able to do anything about it.
We have tried to find them through software services and the geek squad at Best Buy, but even the world's best computer nerds are at a loss.
Why? Why did I make that choice?
I feel so sick and sad.
Christmas is canceled.
Posted by
12:58 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
My Rose Garden: A Story About Giving
My girlfriend Shannon emailed me today to see if I was ok; I hadn't blogged in over six days and she was worried about me. It's true, the blog has been put on the back burner, but only because we had company coming, and because I have two weeks to get a massive final completed. Oh, and I really wanted to give the Ostrich post more time as the front-runner! I love that one. I have been missing my blog though, how I have been missing it.
I heard a story a long time ago about a woman who was feeling discontent in her marriage. Before she was married her husband used to bring her flowers to every date, for every special occasion, and sometimes even for no reason at all. After they got married this of course, phased out. She started feeling sad that he didn't remember to bring her tangible flowers, but then she realized flowers were coming in others ways: he folded the laundry without being prompted, a flower. He washed the dishes and cleaned the entire kitchen without being asked, a flower. He took care of the children while she napped as long as she wanted, another flower. He hadn't been gifting her actual flowers, but figurative ones. The kind that come through actions.
Jaren used to be good at bring me flowers too, now he shows me he loves me in other ways.
Today my husband gave me a rose garden.
Jaren had a goal to have the dining room done by Thanksgiving.
This is what our dining room looked like this morning.
and this...
Here's my rose garden.
My sister and I stayed up tonight to get it all ready for tomorrow. I wanted to play house in the new room!!
The seat savers...
I hope you all have a very happy holiday with your family and loved ones, and I hope your dining room is as beautiful as mine. ;)
While Jaren was pruning my roses I took my parents on an outing. We headed to Downtown Disney to have some fun!
We played in the fountain outside of House of Blues for awhile. We didn't have an change so we were making wishes on previously made wishes. (My parents were fishing money out of the fountain so Gunnar could throw it back in. ;))
We stopped to get a treat with all the wishes we stole from the fountain! I'm kidding. Come on. About the money, not the treat. We wanted a little piece of ambrosia. Seriously. Can you think of anything better than a Wetzel's Pretzel? (Besides Golden Spoon?)
Posted by
1:08 AM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
When Gunnar was born, I intended to only be on the computer when he was napping or down for the night, and that I would only check email while he was eating or watching a few minutes of toons. (I check often to see if my tutoring schedule has changed or if Jaren has sent me a romantic email shout-out.) To state a popular cliche, "The road to hell is lined with good intentions." Gunnar has, unfortunately, seen me on my computer too often. I have modeled computer behavior. (I am not sure what else to call it. Any ideas?) Modeled it so much that a couple of days ago, he came down stairs after I got him out of bed, went straight to his "laptop" and said, "Nunnie (what he calls himself, closest thing to "Gunnie" he can articulate right now), a check mail Mom." He then proceeded to flip the top on his computer and "check" for new mail.
Notice Bobby, in the bucket. That's how Gunnar carried him down stairs that morning. Oh, Bobby. He's actually really good when it comes to computers too. He's a real computer guru when you get right down to it.
When I am on my computer now he is on his. (Gunnar, not Bobby.) Sometimes we sit side by side allowing the screens to suck us in. Gunnar's computer is just as educational as mine. It teaches him letters, numbers, and their sounds. When he is on the letters it shows him a picture and says the word for the picture and the sound for the letter. O on Gunnar's computer stands for Ostrich.
This is how he says Ostrich.
Wasn't the last b****, so funny; something you would see on a Will Ferral sketch or something? Tell me I am not the only one to think this is hysterical. Is this only funny to me? Oh, maybe you are one of the good moms out there that does't feed her kids pizza and chips for breakfast. Are you saying, "tsk, tsk...that woman needs help raising her child."? Well, I promise you all, Jaren and I did not teach him that word! Like we go around the house modeling that. "Get me my dinner b****." "No! Do it yourself b****! I'm not your b****" I'm so sure. Come on. LOVE IS SPOKEN here, alright?
To Gunnar's grandparents: please don't be disappointed that I laugh hysterically when I watch your wholesome grandson son say this, or when I ask Gunnar to say Ostrich just to perk me up. Tomorrow we will go to speech therapy. Tomorrow I will teach him how to say OStrich, but today, I have to laugh my a** off!
Posted by
3:28 PM
The Almost Not So Happiest Place on Earth

We met up with one of my life's most creative and talented geniuses, Jessica Claire, our family photographer and great friend. I love her for several reasons. (I told her all of this as we casually strolled Disneyland yesterday.)
1. She is comfortable in her own skin, which makes someone so beautifully confidant. I love this quality about her. It makes me want to be with her all the time because she is so refreshingly comfortable with who she is.
2. She is always willing to help other people without thinking of herself. Last year she shot 3 weddings for free! To me, that's just, well, stupid, ;)(Jess, you better be laughing right now.) but, she is much more selfless than I.
3. She is gorgeous. even though her clothes don't always match.(Jess, you should be laughing at that too.) BUT I LOVE THAT ABOUT HER TOO! She chooses things that someone else wouldn't select and really, truly, makes them work. She is a walking fashion plate.
4. She loves color. In all aspects of her life. Her fashion sense, her career, her personality, everything. She loves color for the sake of color. When I see bright things, I think of her. She is a bright light in this world.
5. She is honest, but it never hurts your feelings. You know how you can sometimes make a suggestion and it is shot down and you feel like you are dumb and can't do anything right? She shoots ideas down all the time, but you still feel loved. How does she do that? It's magical.
6. She is totally accepting and tolerant of all people and interests. I especially appreciate her feelings on faith and religion. She is totally open minded and accepting. This, I love.
7. She is genuinely good and nice.
That's why when we thought she had lost her new iphone at Disneyland yesterday, I felt sick. One, that it had been lost during our shoot and two, how was I going to get the money to help her buy a new one.:)

THE PHONE WAS TURNED IN! There are good and honest people in this world. I knew it all along. ;) Here's a shout-out to the person that turned in the phone. That was really nice of you; thanks for proving that honesty and integrity still exists.
Our shoot was fun and Jessica, of course, got some outstanding shots and memories of our family. I am so thankful for her patience, talent, perspective, and friendship.

Gunnar was enchanted by almost every store. What a good little shopper; I have trained him well.

He was playing with a canon. Of course he was smiling. See yesterday's post.

Have I ever told anyone that I took modeling classes in the 7th grade? I did. No lie.

Hello little puppy. That's your mom in the background mentally pucking her brains out.

Posted by
9:56 AM