It has been raining here. Today was the first day we were really able to get outside to play. Needless to say, Gunnar and I have gotten creative with our fun. The other day we had exhausted all of our playful outlets: trains, pirates, blocks, transformers, coloring, playdough, a swim in the bathtub, even a dance party to Mama Mia. We finally settled on some painting. When I wasn't looking G swiped my face with his brush and a new rainy day game was invented.
I did some damage on G-man.

We were laughing so hard; it was a really great moment.

This one makes me think of Lord of the Flies circa 1969.

And to illustrate my son's photography prowess I have left these pictures completely un-enhanced:
The crispness and clarity here is unbelievable:

It takes years for masters to develop composition like this:

His talent is just so raw and moving:

Gunnie, I would paint anything with you. Thanks for the colorful afternoon. xoxo Mom
He definitely inherited the photographer gene!
well, perhaps if photography isn't in his immediate future...maybe art is! You all seem to have a lot of fun together!
How fun! What great memories for you both!
his shots of you are hilarious...thanks for the laugh...
What a fun mom you are! I am sure he will never forget that!
When are we going to be neighbors? Seriously, I will sell my first born, maybe Jack to live by you guys. Ummm..I'm a little disheartened by the years it will take to master such crispy photos. I'll get started right now.
So cute!
awesome mommy award for you!
Face painting----PERFECT! Gunnar will love you forever for that :0)!
Just wondering if you tested to see if the paint would come off prior to painting each other? If not, you were very brave! Imagine what would have happened if it didn't wash off. It looks like you both had a wonderful time -- loved it!
Mom Nuzman
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