Our little girl is a week old.

She is springtime, holidays, a first kiss, warm apple crisp, a refreshing deep breath, a great book you never want to end, a perfect pair of shoes, a glimpse of Heaven.
We are all settling in nicely. This big brother is enamored by his new sister, and so far the transition from one to two has been smooth.

He hasn't quite learned, "soft, gentle, or careful" yet, but he is ever attentive and loving.

He said he was being a, "big helper".


Larkin could be described with every generality ever used to describe a little girl: sweet, cute, darling, precious, adorable, tender, pretty, and lovely. I prefer something with a little more Jane-Austen lustrousness to describe this ethereal girl.

"Larkin, the youngest of the Nuzman children, is a delightful character, how will anyone ever be able to tolerate those who do not like her, even in the least? I do not know. She has a lively yet peaceful and serene dispostion like the ease of the wind on a youthful spring day. She is a great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of pretty woman can bestow. She loves to laugh at follies and absurdities, embracing life with all of its ebb and flow. Larkin's wit and vivacity are her most radiant traits next to her resplendant beauty. She isn't necessarily an elegant female, but she does speak truth from her heart..."

In other words...she is undeniably one of the best things we ever did...