I love bath time, for several reasons. First, it washes away the little boy funk Gunnar accumulates through the day and makes him smell sweet, like a little watermelon. (That's what his bath gel smells like right now. He chose it at Target the other day; I allowed him to place it in the cart because it smelled like summer.) The other reason I love bath time is because it means the day is drawing to a close and if I am lucky I will be able to spend a few still moments with my groom, alone, on the couch talking, watching our shows, or just being.
I snapped this bath picture actually yesterday morning. He had gotten out of the tub ran towards me and then ran back. I was inspired by his little wet prints and his naked bum with a curious birth mark. (I prefer birthmark over mole. ;) We have to get that removed before his locker days start.)
Ok. Gunnar, newsflash son! Chicks dig their men dry and clean. They also are not at all attrached to the sound of scrunching paper whenever you move. I am not rushing you, nor am I forcing you, consider this a small nudge. Diapers, your current waste management system, are not nearly as cool as the Thomas the Train or Pirates of the Carribean underwear I just bought you.
What do you say little man? I promise the toilet will not eat you. Want to give them a whirl? (Ha, no pun intended. I'm killing myself tonight!) Think it over and we can have more potty talk later. I love you and I love all the progress and growth you are making at whatever speed you want to make it.
Thanks for helping Dad dig holes in the backyard; it is going to be a great place to play soon. Thanks for snuggling next to me when I feel sick; you are the best doctor in this family. Thanks for being who you are: a stinky little boy who loves taking a bath.
xoxo Mommy Mom
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Little Buns
Posted by
12:03 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
buds or blooms
Do you like roses better as buds or blooms?
or blooms?
I like buds better. In fact when they start to bloom I feel a little sad, like I want them to stay buds forever, although, I do love the rich fragrance once they bloom. :)
One of my most favorite roomates in college, Rachelle, used to love this singer named Rachel De-Azevedo. Rachel has a show on pbs called Signing Time now, have you heard of it? Anyway, when we were all in school Rachel was an aspiring singer, she still sings, only now she does it with her cords and her hands. ;) Back to college, she had a song that Rachelle would play over and over again. It wasn't a bad thing, in fact I really liked the song, the words stuck in my head though for all these years, and I have thought of them often. This line especially, "If he won't bring you flowers, plant your own, plant your own." I love this! I know we love our men and want them to think of flowers on their own, and to just remember to do something nice here and there, but when was the last time you bought flowers for yourself? or for the sake of buying something so resplendantly beautiful to brighten your day and your kitchen, or wherever you put them? It is quite liberating actually, to just buy flowers. They make for a lovely purchase. I love the women's lib behind the line in the song too. Don't wait for your man to bring you flowers, if you want them, go out and get them... yourself. ;) Or plant them. The aggression from tilling the earth would erase the sadness of your man not remembering to bring your flowers. ;) Plus, the whole idea of cultivating a flower garden feels so surreal and ethereal to me. I do have a lot of dirt in my backyard, maybe some of it will go so a small flower garden.
Emma Goldman commented, "I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck." Emma, that's crazy talk, but I can see how you recognize a similar beauty found with the two muses.
Here are two rose poems to plant in the fertile soil of your membranes; I hope you read them:
This one is sweet. I also love the comparisson of other objects to roses. Strawberries are my summer's rose.
The Rose Family by Robert Frost
The rose is a rose,
And was always a rose.
But the theory now goes
That the apple's a rose,
And the pear is,
and so's
The plum, I suppose.
The dear only know
What will next prove a rose.
You, of course, are a rose--
But were always a rose.
The extended metaphor in this one is, well, thorny, but powerful.
A Little Budding Rose by Emily Bronte
It was a little budding rose,
Round like a fairy globe,A
nd shyly did its leaves unclose
Hid in their mossy robe,
But sweet was the slight and spicy smell
It breathed from its heart invisible.
The rose is blasted, withered, blighted,
Its root has felt a worm,
And like a heart beloved and slighted,
Failed, faded, shrunk its form.
Bud of beauty, bonnie flower,
I stole thee from thy natal bower.
I was the worm that withered thee,
Thy tears of dew all fell for me;
Leaf and stalk and rose are gone,
Exile earth they died upon.Y
es, that last breath of balmy scent
With alien breezes sadly blent!
Jennifer, I am expecting great commentary from you. You too Livies. Jessica, I know you have something genius to say too. If you didn't read the poems at least tell me if you would rather gaze at a bud or bloom. :) Have a week full of flowers. In fact, here is a challange for all of you: buy yourself some flowers; put them in a place where you will see them everyday. Then late in the week leave me a commemt about how it made you feel; write a post with a picture of the flowers you bought or planted.
Can't wait to hear from you- xoxo Kam
p.s. Did anyone else love the Academy Awards as much as I did? They are my Superbowl. I will comment on that later. ;)
Posted by
11:32 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Alright, out of blogger hiding...
I am really, really busy. I miss my blog and I miss reading others', but my life right now is keeping me away from such fun. Here is my current to do list:
1. Study for the two grad school classes you are taking. (I am getting a masters degree for those of you just tuning in. In education. I like to teach.)
2. Tutor for 12-15 hours each week.
3. Be a good mother to a busy 2 almost 3 year old. (We are planning his party right now. Any guesses on our theme? "Pidates!" Really? Que Sorpresa!
4. Work hard to take good pictures, take in everything that you are learning, get your photography stuff off the ground. My official website is almost ready to launch. I am just waiting on a few more details... (I am shooting some fun stuff this month too, some beautiful people and a charity benefit for Rett Syndrome. Check it out here.)
5. Be a good wife.
6. Serve at church.
7. Get better from this sick-like cold thing you have.
That's my list. That's what's on plate right now. I haven't dusted in almost a year; the cleaning is left to Jaren. I don't prepare meals; we eat peanut butter and jelly. I have been tired for almost three years; I don't see that improving any time soon. I am happiest however, when I am busy. That is probably why I take on so much, but why do I find myself wishing when I am so busy that I wasn't so busy? :)
Let me show you a face that amidst all my busy-ness makes me feel so stinkin' happy.
Yesterday, I got together with a friend to update her son's headshots. (He's a model and needed some updating to his 81/2x 11 glossy. He's 2. You can see his pictures at the other blog.) After lunch and some pictures of Ethan I got some snaps of my rockstar. He kept wanting to go down this twisty fire escapy thing. He kept getting stuck. He kept trying it again until he mastered it. That's my boy.
Gunnar, what the park is to you son, Nordstrom is to me. Do you understand now why I love it so much? Will you be more patient with me while we are at Nordstrom like I am with you at the park? ;)
Before we left we made some wishes in a fountain.
Gunnar, these are my wishes for you: May you and Caden be members of a successful boy band some day that makes your parents rich. May you be on winning soccer teams. May your freezer always be filled with ice cream. May you go to the potty soon, not in your pants. May your girlfriends like me. May you always know that you and Dad matter more to me than the list of things that is keeping me busy.
I love you so much. Thank you for making my days happy and bright. xoxo Mommy Mom
p.s. I will do my best to post something before spring, of next year.
p.p.s Bec, your number nine made me feel so special and loved! I love unexpected surprises; thanks for laying one down for me. I will play your game. Give me some time to think it out...
Posted by
12:18 AM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine Pirate

"Umm, Mother, this really isn't a true eye patch, but rather a facsimile of what a historical pirate would have worn. As you can clearly observe, my eye, beneath the patch, is completely sane and whole."
Thanks son.

The hook on a bed of hearts; he took it off for two seconds to see what was inside his treasure chest. (Tooth decay. That's what was inside his chest.)

Gunnar- Happy Valentine's Day! You have brought so much love to our home the last 2.5 years. Thanks for all the joy and happiness you add to my day.
Jaren- You make every day feel like Valentine's. Thanks for my fun presents! ;) I am excited for our date tonight!! Yahooo!! I might even do my hair.
Happy V-day everyone! Hope it is filled with love and chocolates! xoxo Kam
Posted by
10:34 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
Love Bug Lunch
This is my girlfriend Kate.
You have all met her before. She and her family are some of my favorite people. I love Kate for several reasons, but something I especially like about her is that she celebrates everything! I love it. I love her positive nature and fun personality. Last week Kate put together a small luncheon for her friends and their love bugs.
We had Love Bug Luciousness.
(There was a ton more food, these just photographed the best! ;) Thanks for all the yumminess, Kate.)
There were Love Bug Lollies.
Gunnar sang some Love Bug Lullabies
And did some Love Bug Leaps from the coffee table to the sofa. (It was ok. I don't just let him do that anywhere. ;))
We made Love Bug Letters.
We had some Love Bug Laughs.
We had some Love Bug Leggings.
Look at how much this Love Bug has grown. She is usually sleeping,
but Friday she was awake! Hooray!!
Such a good, sweet Love Bug.
And we also had some Love Bug Bums. ;)
Kate and I were talking about one of our favorite shows, Project Runway, and how the designers had been asked to make outfits for wrestling Divas. We both commented on the tight buns the women had, then we turned our attention to the buns in front of us. Ky-Ky those women have got nothing on you! ;)
Thanks for all the fun and laughs Kate; it was such a great time!!
Happy Valentine's Week Everyone!! Hope you all have sweet plans to celebrate the fun day with your loved ones!!
Posted by
9:22 AM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Magical Fire Engine
Gunnar needed a haircut. I took him on Monday to a place that is apparently cool, I mean that is what the place calls itself, "Cool Cuts". All I can say is if a place can make my son NOT cry while having his hair cut then it is pretty stinkin' cool. I'd even say magical.
Pre-Game (He is usually ok at this part. It is when we go back to the chairs he starts to get sad and weepy.)
Oh, the re-growth. You know it is bad when you can't even tuck/gel/clip/bobby pin it behind the ears.
The stylist called his name.
"No hairs cut mom!"
"Come on Gun, it will be fun."
"You get to ride in the fire truck!"
He has been to this place at least 3 times before, but Monday there was something special about sitting in a fire truck.
He was chatting like he owned the place, telling the stylist all about himself. She understood nothing; I got everyword. He was doing great until she pulled out the clippers. Then he dug deep in his Nuzman 6 pack gut and found fresh courage. He told her exactly the way he likes it.
"Listen Lady, I like a 2 around the bottom and a 4 on the top. Go slow with the scissors, they scare the toots out of me. And I don't care for the trimmer you use to finish things but I know it is required for a pristine look so go ahead and use the mechanism, but give me warning before you rev it up. Oh, and I hate to have hair in my nose. Got it? Ok. Proceed."
"I'm ok. I'm ok. I can do this. Stop pushing on my head Lady!"
"Hey! I feel hair in my nose."
"Were you listening to me? I said NO hair in my nose. Geez. My mom is paying good money for this service."
Yes, I have back hair, a lot of men my age do. Alright? So what of it? Thanks a lot Dad. Shave it too."
"Does this thing go any faster? I am putting the pedal to the metal. I feel the need, the need for speed."
The engine also had a bell. Gunnie kept ringing it. Maybe that is way the stylist had to hold his marble so tight.
Some finishing touches.
"I usually don't like it "pikey" Lady, I usually like it "sweeping", but today is an exception. Please feel free to use that special pomade madam."
"This is why I'm hot. This is why I'm hot."
My dad used to say when he had his hair cut that he had had his ears lowered. Monday Gunnar lowered his ears successfully without any tears. Congrats, Gun!!
Here's the after shot channeling Maverick himself.
and ummm, urrr, Popeye?
You look good son; you look good. I love you Sweets- Mommy Mom
Posted by
5:50 PM