I have been waiting to respond to my girlfriend Becca's tag for a while and am still thinking about it. I am trying to get really creative...what are my 7 most favorite things that I use almost every day? I will do that post soon; I promise. Until then I am going to respond to a tag Gunnar just received from same said Becca. (Who happens to be a good friend of mine that lives in Colorado and if we ever move there I hope to live right next door to her. I also hope that if my un-born child is of the female version, to marry her off to Becca's Owen.)
The tag was to comment on 7 interesting facts about Gunnar:
Ummm...what would they be Gunnie?
7. He asked me the other day for a doobie. You heard me right. But not the doobie you and I associate with the stoner smoking behind the gym. He is currently fascinated with Scooby Doo who is refered to as "Doobie a Doobie". Everything he eats lately is called a "Doobie snack". That's awesome.
Jaren and I were commenting after watching a recent remake of Scooby Doo how dumb they are, the new ones. We both said the old ones were much, much better. Remember loving Scooby Doo? Anyone else know this theme song by heart?
6. Gunnar is different than most kids. He sleeps with the door closed, loves all vegetables, and isn't too interested in candy. He also ends up in bed with us every morning. I guess that isn't too different from a lot of other kids.
5. He thinks he is Peter Pan. He told me last night he could fly from the kitchen island to the kitchen table. He wants to be called Peter Pan all the time. Sometimes when we call him by his real name he will correct us, "No, a Nunnie a Peter Pan." He calls me Wendy, sometimes the entire day. Jaren is John, and Bobby (Gunnar's Blanket) is Michael. The Lost Boys are imaginary, but they come with us everywhere we go, and we get whoever is playing with us to fill in as the other key parts: Hook, Smee, Tinkerbell, and the Mermaids in Mermaid Lagoon.
4. While we are on the subject he also has a fascination with Disney Princesses. We won't worry until he is 6 and asks to be one for Halloween. He has an affinity for Ariel and Belle. (Which happen to be my two favorites as well.) We went to a princess birthday party (yes, boys were invited) a few weeks ago; he was in Heaven. It's ok, right? We like to just think he is sensative. He calls all little girls princesses and on occasion still calls me Mommy Princess (When he isn't calling me Wendy. Today he even called me Kamee when he really needed my attention). He will be in princess Heaven if our baby is a girl.
3. He likes to wear my heals and look at himself in the mirror. Oh, he likes to do this activity naked. I don't have a picture of that. Sorry.
2. Before you all start thinking our boy is headed down a differnt path let me also explain that he loves these.
Yes! Nothing throbs masculinity like Transformers! Jaren pulled out his old ones recently to show off to Gunnar and some of his friends. (Gunnar's friends, not Jaren's, although I am sure Jaren's friend would have been way impressed.) J-dawg put them away shortly after because he didn't want them to be mis-handled. You know, leg here, arm there, head out of socket, missing fighter-decoder-anti-bad-guy-radar-waterproof-shield. Gunnar followed him to the garage to see where they would be kept; every time we get in the car he asks if we can play with Dad's toys when we get home. We bought him one as a prospective reward for going potty on the potty. We thought that would be the ticket to success. NOPE! He can not be bribed. The Transformer sits in the box on the top of the throne. Waiting.
Gunnar will probably be the first young man to go to his junior prom in a diaper.
1. Gunnar is sweet. I always knew he would be. Today we were reading some books we checked out from the library. He got all cozy and snuggled up to me, head on my shoulder and all. He reached up and patted my cheek with his hand and then rested his hand on mine.
Last night all three of us crawled in bed for stories and some time together. Gunnar was wasted and fell asleep quickly. Jaren and I stayed in bed with him, connecting our breathing with Gunnar's. I whispered to Jaren, "Don't you wish you could freeze this moment right now? Don't you wish he could stay little forever?" The world stopped. The phone rang. The clock ticked. We layed still recording his precious, fleeting youth in our memories.
He is the best thing Jaren and I ever did.
Now Gunnar needs to tag someone else. He tags Joelle E. (She'll be good stuff to read. ;)) If you want to play Paige. ;) If not I totally understand!
Bec- I will come through with my favorite things post soon. I will get to work on it this week. It's Spring Break from Fullerton! I feel like a new girl with some time on her hands. ;)
Monday, March 31, 2008
Gunnar's Got Game
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11:09 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Marathon Week
Ever have those weeks were it feels like you are running on a treadmill and your speed keeps in- creasing and increasing? I had intentions of posting all these funny things that happened during the week, but then the treadmill started going at warp speed and I didn't have a single second. Here is the week in review.
Saturday: Cleaning Day
We needed to get the house cleaned for a party Jaren had planned for church. Since company was only going to be downstairs we focused our efforts there starting in the bathroom. Gunnar loves to be in the thick of things which is great, so he stripped down and jumped in the shower to clean it with Jaren (He must think you have to be naked whenever you are in the shower.). Jaren started telling me a story about being in high school and how after practice the team would play this "game" where they would pee on each other and see who noticed and who didn't. Fun game. Anyway, Gunnar apparently was playing that game with Jaren while J was busy scrubbing the shower. Hysterical.
Sunday: Easter
The holidays are starting to be so much fun now. Although Gunnar didn't want to see the Bunny who left his treats, he still enjoyed hunting for what he left.
This year he was gifted a lot of things that grow in water, but they take days to grow. We kept trying to explain that it was going to take a couple of days for him to see any results, but he kept checking the bowl. In fact the second we got home from church he headed right to the dish were his new pets were growing. It was cute. I didn't get a picture of them...dang it! Oh, well they are the kind that re-grow. I am sure we will put them in water and make them grow again.
This was his favorite gift: a chicken that pooped bubble-gum eggs. Thanks Grandma! I have no room to talk; we gave him some flarp. Here, the chicken is flarping. Another classy Nuzman moment.
Hunting for all the eggs was super fun; he was oblivious to the tooth decay inside. AWESOME! More for us! He is different than most kids. He likes to sleep with the door closed, eats all vegetables, and he is not bribed by toys or candy. He actually could care less about that stuff. But hunting and gathering things...that's another story.
They were going so fast finding the eggs it was all a blur when we were done.
Of course in the excitement the basket was dumped and the grass got all over. Every mother's Easter nightmare.
We dolled-up and headed to church. You have to get spirtual on Easter.
After church we quickly checked on the things growing in water and then went to have dinner with some good friends.
We didn't have cookies for dinner but this picture illustrates the standard of food we ate. IT WAS AMAZING! I for sure made an Easter pig of myself, but the food was so stinkin' good! My friend Vickie comes from a catering family. You can imagine the spread we witnessed and consumed. It was outstanding. Dinner was followed by more hunting. Once again it was all about the eggs, not the contents.
It was a beautiful day filled with Spring, family, friends, and fun.
Monday: Work Day
We had a play date at the Carl's Jr. playplace. The kids loved it, the moms did too. We could actually talk while the kids were contained in one place. Gunnar kept welcoming all the new kids that walked in. I started to feel really sad when no one acknowledged him. He came over to me and said, "Mom, the kids no hear me." It made me feel sad for him. As a mother I want to protect him from all those things that make his little heart hurt.
We headed home and I headed to tutor for 6 straight hours.
Came home from tutoring and did grad school homework until 2:00am
Tuesday: Dr. Appointment
We got up early, got ready and headed to a check up for our new baby.
The doctor says he has never seen such a good looking baby. I thought that was so funny seeing as I can't see any features at all, but I will take his word for it. The baby was breech...we will have to wait one more month to find out what we are having.
Gunnar and I went to lunch at Nordstrom Cafe and headed home.
He napped, I did homework.
Jaren had his big party at the house that night.
I went to a friend's for free therapy and to work on some stuff for a big party I was throwing Thursday night.
Wednesday: Park Day
Headed to the park to play with some friends. The weather was gorgeous. Gunnar had snot running from his nose the entire time. That's always fun.
Went to work. Came home; did homework.
Thursday: Enrichment Night
LONG DAY! We started at the church decorating for a party I was throwing for the women at church. We decorated for 2 hours! Headed to a pet store to reward Gunnar for being such a good boy while we decorated. Went home. Finished up some details for the party that night and started working on a baby shower I was throwing on Saturday.
Jaren got home. I left for the church. The event was great! All the decorations, food, and games were outstanding! I love working with all those woman and am grateful for their efforts.
Came home. Fell asleep 2 seconds after I got in.
Friday: Sea World
We headed to Sea World for some wet fun. While we were waiting for a cute Seasame Street show to start Gunnar and I went on an adventure to see what we could find. He was so curious and was looking everywhere for the animals. I love how interested he is in everything.
I told him to keep looking, that they were coming...
Why does the Shamu show always make me feel emotional? I want to think it is the communication between humans and animals and how that really is possible. I also on some level feel sad for those great creatures. I remember seeing a show on Animal Planet a while ago about Killer Whales fins and how they start to bend when they are in captivity. Well, everyone of those whales had a bent tale. I don't know if I should feel sad about that or what.
The day was fun. Until Gunnar had a total melt down and cried through the entire Shamu Show. "This is the worst day ever Mom!" He saw a sword he wanted to buy on the way into the show and for some reason, "I will buy it for you after the show," wasn't computing.
We loved it though and had a really, really great time!! He especially loved the Beluga Whales and the Polar Bears, but he most enjoyed the gift shops at the end of each exhibit. Like mother like son.
Saturday: April's Shower
On Saturday I gathered a few of my friend's closest friends for a small luncheon to celebrate the pending birth of her second child.
These are our good friends Matt and April. They are beautiful and gorgeous in every way!!
April has always been a dear friend to me. She is compassionate and has a heart full of love for all people especially those who are down trodden and in need of special attention. We met a few years ago at the high school we both taught at, and have been good friends ever since. She and her family took us under their wing since we are the lone Nuzmans in California and have always given us a place to be for holidays, special events, anything really; they have become our California family; April is like my sister. We have experienced so many of life's big adventures together: career changes, buying homes at the same time, having our first babies and now our second babies together, bachelorette parties, weddings, the list goes on. Big and small moments of life have been experienced together. She is so good at seeing the bright side of things and at listening and offering suggestions. She is emphathetic and always has a positive twist to add to anything that could be potentially bleak. I love talking to her and look forward to our daily chats. I also love how similar our interests and personalities are and how we get each other's joke immediately. ;)
For a while she was considering not having another baby. This made me feel sad because she is such a good mother to her son Caden, Gunnar's BFF. It made me sad to think that no more babies would be able to have her, and Matt, as parents. This baby is so lucky to be coming to a home with parents (and a brother) who are so positive, so compassionate, so loving, so playful and fun, so understanding, so interested in others, so welcoming, and so giving, not to mention so stinkin' beautiful and stylish. ;)
I can't wait to meet the newest addition to their family.
I love you Aps; thanks for being my good friend.
Sunday: Headache
The treadmill stopped. Abruptly.
My head is hurting.
I have a ton of homework to do.
Posted by
12:47 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Classy Sunglasses, Classy Watches, Classy Car, Classy People, Classy Coles
I like people. Especially fun, witty, charming, well-clad ;), and understanding people.
I like these people.
I don't believe in fate or chance. I believe certain people come into our lives at a certain times to teach us something, help us grow, help us see something in ourselves we would have never seen otherwise, ease a burden, and even carry us for a while. Since moving to our new neighborhood, Jaren and I have met so many people who have already become our friends; I know we needed to met them for some reason. The Coles are a few of those people. They are just good, and nice. Oh, and all remarkably well-dressed and beautiful.
I shared this in a post a while ago, but will lay it down again. My mom says that naturally curly headed kids are lucky. Every curl on their head is a spot where God kissed them. (My hair is bone straight, what does that mean Mom?)
God couldn't stop kissing Quincy. ;)
Her personality is as enchanting as her curls. I like Quincy for a lot of reasons: she likes Belle, who happens to be my favorite Disney princess. (In fact when I was little I wanted to be her. On stage or at Disneyland. I know all of her songs by heart. Gunnar went through a small Beauty and the Beast phase for a while(right after the Ariel phase. He's just a little bit metro. Blame me; that's fine.); that was good times for me.) I also like Quincy because she loves the color pink; me too!! And I like Quincy because she has a purse that matches all of her outfits; that's a girl after my own heart.
Next? Little sister Spunky, I mean Presley. This 18 month old can hold her own, and she is not afraid to tell you so either.
I tried to get Bear in a different picture, alone, by himself, but she insisted he be a part of her shot. Ok. You win Pres.
Maren has told me before that she is a bully, and sometimes is a stronger fighter than her older sis. See? These are funny people. But look at that face. Can you imagine this love stealing lunch money from the playground and spitting on the boys? Never. She is super sweet, and I hope to win her over someday.
I love Presley because she marches to her own drum, will for her whole life, and is perfectly cool with that.
Even though she teases her big sister I can still tell these two are good friends and will grow up close.
I had intentions of snapping some family pictures at the soda shoppe. By the time we got there it was the end of the shoot and we were all tired. Maybe next time. ;)
Hmmmmm a milk shake. That does sound good right now. So does a Dairy Queen Blizzard.
The next photograph will show you Barry's personality.
He is fun! I really like his sarcasm and wit. He will have you belly laughing with-in seconds of meeting him. Maren told me that's what magnetized her to him immediatly. I love how personalities can be so engaging and attractive. Barry has got one. He also has an affinity for sunglasses, really nice ones. I think he has a pair for Monday, a pair for when he golfs, a pair for when he rides bikes, a pair for when he shaves, a pair for chewing blue gum, a pair for chewing green gum, a pair for watching sports. He has a pair for every occasion. That's cool. He like watches too, of the same genre of sunglasses: good ones. Jaren and I comment on Sundays how sharp Barry looks. (Don't be weirded out by that Barry.) He's got sweet style skills, but that is not what I like best about him.
I love all fathers, all good fathers. I believe that fathers can nurture all their children, but I see a certain tenderness between fathers and daughters that isn't necessarily lacking with fathers and sons; it is just different, delicate. Fathers love their daughters in a very special, sweet way. I see this love with the way my dad loves my sister and myself. I also see it with our friend Adam and how he loves his girls. I know Matty will ooze with this love for his pending daughter, and I have no doubt that Jaren will love our baby, if it is a girl, with this same mild love.
Barry emanates this love for his girls.
Barry and Quincy have a close relationship. Isn't it cool to think that he is the coolest guy in her life right now? So awesome. Keep an eye on this one Barry.
It is also fun to see these two interact together. They are playful and flirty. That is so refreshing to see and great energy to be with.
I love holding hands. (Not with these two; they wouldn't let me in on the hand holding for some reason.) I love the idea of it in general. It is so innocent yet romantic and close. You know?
Love the colors and Maren's eyes in this one.
Speaking of. Let's talk about the great gene pool that helped bring Quinc and Pres to this world.
I have liked Maren since I met her. Mostly because she laughs at my jokes. ;) I like people that think I am funny. ;) Seriously, I like Maren because she laughs, and she laughs a lot. That is such an endearing trait. She thinks life and all it has to offer is great; I am drawn to her because of this.
She is beautiful too. Intimidatingly so. ;) She too has great style, and carries herself so regally, so gracefully. She is also real. It is great being with her because she isn't afraid to be herself (that's where Presley gets it. ;)), and is comfortable in her own skin. I love that trait, especially in women. I like Maren because she listens, really listens when I talk to her and she is ultra understanding. She makes me feel understood; that is a God-given gift.
Her friends are lucky to have her free therapy.
These girls are lucky to have her too.
I believe that is what we all really want in life, to be understood. Quincy and Presley are blessed to have a mother who has this gift. They will always be close to her because she will always "get" them.
She's smart, athletic and active, a great conversationalist, a reader, movie goer, avid shopper, and is always willing to satisfy my current cravings by eating with me; now, that is a friend. ;) Thanks Mar.
I am so happy to know this family and have them as friends. Thanks for the time together Maren, Barry, Quincy, and Presley (and Teddy ;)). Can't wait for more jokes, trips to in-and-out, Chino Hills adventures, fun stories, and belly laughs! Glad we live so close. Why do we drive to each others' homes? Here's to a family leaving an indelible mark on this world and many lives, including mine- Kam
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11:53 PM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
100th post: things to celebrate
it is hard to believe that i have had this blog now for 100 posts. that is a lot of posting. ;) we have some serious celebrating to do.
i was going to compile a list of my top ten posts, but decided in the end to just share my number one favorite . here it is, the best post of the first 100:
it still makes me feel like i need to run to the bathroom.
i started the blog as a journal for our family, something gunnar and our other kids would have later on as a memory of their life. i also started it so my kids would have another way of knowing more about me. i hope they will be able to get a great sense of who i am by the way i write and see things. this blog is for them. it's for jaren as well, who makes me laugh, and whom i love making laugh too.
it has also become a place for me to share my pictures. since i started this blog i have also started a small photography business. it is exciting, and i feel a tremendous sense of achievement to have done this while taking on grad school, tutoring, church responsibilities, and family. i am so thankful to everyone who has believed in me and supported this goal. thank you for being good friends, confidants, honest opinions, and true fans. this post celebrates all of you and the annoucement of http://www.kameejune.com/. my website: an accomplishment i believe in. i look forward to growth, progression, and sharing my photography with you.
here's a teaser from my most recent shoot. can't wait to share more.
this post also celebrates the addition we are making to our family. hooorrrrraaaaayyyyyy!! it's true. although many of you thought we were going to rear an only child, Gunnar will not be enduring us alone. this post (another one in the top ten of the 100) has been our mantra the past few months, (too much information? sorry.) and now we are currently awaiting the arrival of another little someone to love.
gunnar is convinced we are having a girl. the other day at church he was playing with another little boy who kept asking him if he had a sister. gunnar answered, "not yet." ;) we asked him the other day what he wanted to name our new baby sister (we assume it is a girl because he does), he said, "big boy." i have heard of worse things than a little girl named big boy. we'll see. i will be pleased with a child who loves shakespeare, theater, nordstrom, travel, and fine dining; i will settle for nothing less. just kidding. i am excited, happy to be over the sick part, and am in love with this baby already.
thanks to all of you who have visited the blog and left some love; i love the comments section. they are the unexpected surprises of my day. it has also been a great way for me to keep in touch with friends and family. i am so thankful for all of you.
you for sure noticed the face lift. it matches my logo and website. ;) i wanted there to be some cohesiveness between the two. i had intentions of keeping this blog completely family related, but right now i can't keep up with two blogs, two grad school classes, and almost two babies. so this blog with be a perfect blend of our family and my professional endeavors.
i hope you will all stay tuned for our next 100 posts. what surprises could i share for our 200th?
thanks again for joining us in the adventures joys of our life.
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1:57 AM