This is my family. I am on the one on the right! ;) HA! I'm killing myself. I decided to start a blog at 12:47am. My humor might not come off as all that humorous. Humor me.
After sorting through a myriad of others' blogs (Jessica Claire's, Becker's Photography, and all of my girlfriends' being my favorites) I decided to start my own. I usually am a little late to join the bandwagon: I didn't start wearing teal green or blue eye-liner in the 7th grade when it was cool; I waited a year until it had definitely passed its fashion moment. I didn't discover the Harry Potter books until the third hit bookshelves, in fact, a girlfriend had to explain to me who he was. I didn't buy a single Shade shirt until all the women in Utah had every color and style. Oh, and I never started the South Beach Diet. (That's one bandwagon I never even followed for a second; I have no will-power. I love carbs in all their varying glory.) I dropped the green/blue eyeliner years ago, I haven't finished the Harry books (I know, and I call myself literate.), and my Shade shirts mostly have yellowed pits. Let's see how well I do with keeping this up. ;)
Here's to many posts from me on my new blog!!
Welcome to bloggerland. It's not hard to almost type boogerland. Your favorites are my favorites. We will be friends dorever because of our common MAC counter obsession. Love you Kam, keep on bloggin'.
Welcome!! I also read Us Weekly. It makes Fridays when it comes in the mail my MOST favoritest day. What kind of camera do you have, Ms. Photographer? I am looking to upgrade but I have friends with every make and model under the sun.
YEAH! I heart you and think you are great. It is true you were always the last one to find JJ Superpretzel. Where is he anyway?
I have a canon rebel. My students bought it for me as a going away present! It's pretty sweet and I am happy with it!
JJ is currently with Melissa. I am sure he will pop up again sometime! Keep your eye out for him-
I saw your blog on JC from the pics - how fun! I love your blogging style. :) Props. I blog at - very middle school, I know. Haha. I'm a senior in college. >_<
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