Gunnar got his dad's. Oh dear. Don't worry son, Mom knows a great lady at Happy Nails with special plucking and waxing skills who can help you with those when the time comes.
Jaren had a birthday today. I won't disclose how old he turned, but we are both now fully rolling with the "thirty-something" category. We celebrated with family, Jaren's parents are in town, and good friends, we missed you Adam. I love birthdays or any reason to celebrate for that matter. Since it is his day though, at least for the next hour and 48 minutes, I thought I would share a few things I love about the Jdawg.
- He's clean. I never have to ask him to scrub the toilets; he does it willingly. (I know. Eat your hearts out ladies.)
- He's handy. We have superior crown-moulding and finish carpentry work in or close to being in our entire home.
- He bakes. Cookies. Brownies. Cakes. Mud pies. We have a treat almost every Sunday compliments of Jaren.
- He's hysterical. Let me tell you a funny story about my man. Several years ago he and I were babysitting my niece for a night while my sister and brother-in-law were away. She was little and was still in a crib. We wanted to be close so we could hear her if she needed us in the night so we decided to sleep in my sister and brother-in-law's room. In the dead of the night I wake up to Jaren shaking me, "Kam, Kam, Kam. Trade me places. Trade me places." I was for sure REM-ming so I complied, I rolled over him to his side, and then I drifted right back to my dreams. The next morning I went down to the kitchen to ask him what had happened. "Kam, it was the scariest thing. I woke up in the middle of the night, looked up and could have sworn I saw someone standing over me. It freaked me out." So what did he do? "Kam, Kam, switch me places." Yep, he put his young bride in Harm's way. Oh, Jaren. I owe some of my best gut, breathless laughs to him. He really does have a quick, fun, sense of humor. I love it when we don't take life or each other too seriously and we are able to joke and laugh with one another.
- He works hard. SO HARD. I am proud to be on his arm when we go to a work party or a place where people know or have heard of Jaren. Everyone likes him, and want to be by him. He's a magnet. People love Jaren and recognize he excels at his craft. He works so hard for our little family to provide us with all the beautiful things we enjoy.
- He's good and nice, gentle and tender. Seriously. I can't think of a four better compliments to give to a person. He is genuinely a kind-hearted man who cares about people and their best interests, and he's good to help everyone in any capacity he holds. I loved the day Gunnar was born and the experience it was for us. Jaren was so committed to me and the whole process. I get emotional writing about it now. Every moment of that day he was so connected and attached to me and the birth of our first born. He was beyond thrilled to be a father at last.
- He's a great dad. Which makes him even more beautiful and sexy to me. I love to see him interact with our son. The other night Jaren was rocking Gunnar before bed. I snuck into the bathroom that connects to Gunnar's room to listen to their conversation. Gunnar's side of it mostly consisted of, "Uhuh, Daddy, uhuh, Nunnie's house, uhuh, choo-choo, uhuh, cars." Jaren started asking him questions about his day and his interests. He asked him what animal he liked the best. Gunnar said, "A ga (translation: an alligator)." Jaren said, "A ga? Oh, Gunnar, that's my favorite animal too." It was sweet.
- He is fiercly loyal to me and to Gunnar. I know that Jaren puts us first and that is so honorable, endearing, tender, and wonderful.
- He writes poetry. Really great stuff actually. I haven't seen a poem lately, but when they pop up, on the dashboard of my car or in a sweet card, it always is a priceless gift.
- He's smart. Sometimes it's intimidating how smart he is, but I also like it. Oh, and he knows a lot of really weird facts too.
- He's a collector. Pez dispensers. Comic books. (Not really something to celebrate but I thought I would share anyway. Something interesting about Jaren most of you might not know; it gives his character more texture and our garage less room. ;)
- He's the greatest decision I ever made; I can't imagine my life without him.
Here's to you on your day Jaren. We love you. For his big dinner we went to a fun outside mall in Irvine. Here's some highlights:
All of you who have tried to take family pictures with children understand the tedium: look over here, smile, look at the camera, hey-watch this, look at my fingers snapping, I will buy you a pony if you just smile like a normal child for one shot... I chose these two family shots mostly because Jaren looks great in them and after all, it was his day.
This is Jaren's mom The lady that, on this day, 3* year's ago gave birth to a 9pd'r. Karla, we celebrate you today too. Anyone who survives that ordeal deserves to eat cake everyday.

After dinner we took a small ride on the carousel. Jaren and I usually have to draw straws for who goes with Gunnar. We both are notorious for getting sick on anything that spins or basically creates motion. 2 seconds after this was taken Jaren unfortunately lost his birthday dinner into the lap of the little girl to his left. Too bad. That was a good meal. (Just kidding.)

This is Jaren and Gunnar, Matt and Caden. Gunnar and Caden are like "peas and carrots." They were born two months apart and are practically brothers. I loved this picture because it felt so relatable; we all have a memory of being lifted on to Dad's shoulders and seeing the world from a totally different perspective than the "little" world has to offer.
It was a great day for an outstanding person. Happy Birthday, Jaren!! xoxo Kam
That is so very sweet!! Jaren is a great guy and I am SO happy for you that you chose him. :) Brian will still say out of the blue that he misses hanging out with him. When are you coming to Oregon??
Yea for Jaren. We ditto many of those fun traits you mentioned. We miss you guys. Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Jaren! I miss the spectrum...that was one of our favorite places before we moved...Looks like you guys had a great time!
I am so glad you shared your blog with me.
I have to say that I am a huge becker and jessica claire junkie these is seeming to become my new "thing"...(I think the sewing machine is missing me)! Please tell me you have photoshop and can help me out with some good resources for actions...I am looking to pick up a much fun. My 50 mm lens in in the mail and I can not wait to get it!
Sorry you won't be at the play-date...please tell the Nuzmans hello for me. They were always so nice and I enjoyed meeting them a few times. I hope you guys are all enjoying eachother's company. Off to catch my little crazies before they tear the house apart!
We say the same thing about you guys! We miss our time together!
I love photoshop! Let's make a deal. If you help me with my curtains I will help you with a little photoshopping? ;) I am not super savy, but I do play with it regularly and am learning several cool things. I am happy to know you are a blogger too. YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE YOUR 50mm! IT IS MY FAVORITE. I want to get a macro next. We'll see. I ask Jessica which one to get next and then just grab her recommendation. ;)
I will tell the Nuzmans hello for you! I am so sad we won't be able to be there! Next time!
Talk to you all soon- Kam
I love the story about Jaren and you switching places at night! I was laughing so hard as I read it my kids all had to come in and check on me!! Thanks for a good laugh- I needed it this week :o)!! You are both wonderful people who are perfect for eachother!
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