If it weren't for the heat I would move to Arizona. Seriously. I love the family that is here, the shopping and dining that is here, the most delicious Sonic that is here, the Cafe Rio that is here, and the happy way I feel while being here.
I also love the new friends I have met here.

Joy and I met, like many of you, through the blogosphere. I know that if we lived closer we would be great friends (not that we can't be great friends through blogging. I mean like, shop for shoes together friends, go for golden spoon together friends, show emphaty when the kids are crazy friends). After meeting her on Saturday I knew I had found a new great friend. Joy told me a while ago that she and her sisters use flavors to describe their children's moods for the day. Isn't that great?! The day of our shoot I emailed Joy to finalize details and asked, "What flavor are we today?" This was her very articulate response (that I totally loved by the way...with a very English teacher sort of love. ;)), "I'm thinking pink cotton candy today: pretty, covered in shades of pink, but has a tendency to come apart & get sticky if I'm not careful!" Isn't that so awesome? Her girls were covered in pink, totally pretty, and there was absolutely no falling apart from my point of view. ;)

Rebecca and Madison are total opposites. In fact Joy called them the "odd couple."
One is a warm snickerdoodle the other fresh popcorn. Can you guess which flavor goes with which cutie?

These two are darling friends. Opposites do attract, even when it comes to sisters.

I loved dancing with them, giggling with them, and getting them all hyped up on my sugary bribery.
They are delicious, sweetie-pies to their mom,

and candied apples to their dad (They are the apple of his eye, it was obvious!! ;))

There is someone else who has Trevor's heart. This gorgeous cupcake right here:

I think she is such a radiant woman.

She is smart too! That is really beautiful to me. She is a lobbiest and has worked in Congress on Capitol Hill in DC. Rebecca and Maddy are so blessed to have a super, ultra-gifted and intelligent mom.

Trevor, is sugar and spice! His personality has got all sorts of yummy flavors!!

He is Irish. I could have listened to him talk all day. Joy, is very lucky in that aspect: her man sounds like Gerard Butler; that's all sorts of delicious.

Together, they were like cinnamon rolls and chocolate-covered strawberries.

A few of everyone together:

Thank you all so much for the sugar-covered afternoon. May all your afternoons together be delicious. Joy, your personality, ambrosial. Trevor, your spunk, delightful. Rebecca, your spirit, delish. Maddy, your charisma, scrumptious. Our time together was one of my new favorite flavors.
This was one of my favorite images; I had to post it. It makes me happy. Can you tell who is the popcorn girl now?

great shoot, Kam! My favorite is the one where the girls are holding hands :)
How {sweet} are they!! You captured SO many wonderful memories for them!! I am sure they will cherish these images for years to come!
Thanks for sharing!!
I just love the feel of these pictures. And your commentary is so fun Kamee!
Such great pictures and what a lovely family!!! I love how you work your magic and capture the essence of connection between those you shoot. Love these pictures! Beautiful family! And lets give some credit (however small) to AZ. Its a great place.
These are such great images! I have really been enjoying your blog. I would love your feedback if you happen to check out mine!
I love your shallow depth of field shots! These portraits are all so beautiful and you captured so many facets of their personality.
These are darling Kam. Are you sporting that new lens in these shots?!
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