Having children is a gift, and I am sure those of us who have them wouldn't trade them or the experiences they bring for anything. I think the majority of us with children would, however, admit that the focus shifts a bit from the needs of the original couple to the needs of the littles after they come. It can be hard because of life's responsibilities to stay connected to the person that used to make you giddy with excitement at the very thought of him. I love my children with all of me and would never trade them or return to the days without them, but I do think often of the time Jaren and I had together, just us, and the closeness we shared before their were others to share the love with.
There really is something so sublime about being a part of a couple without the responsibility of anything except understanding, respecting, and loving that one other person who makes your heart sing and your life feel complete.

You will recognize these faces from previous posts. My neighbors, Pat and Jen, are quickly becoming some of my favorite people.

They are coming up on their first year wedding anniversary and the are still so jovial and still so in love; it was so refreshing to be a part of their banter and play.

So pretty, Jen.

So handsome, Pat.

Ahhh!! The moment before a kiss. The next time you are in this second of time whether it be your first, fortieth, or four-thousandth kiss try to capture the way your heart beat meets the cadence of your breath. Try to freeze the anticipation you feel before your lips meet. Try to bottle the emotion of being so close to someone so dear.

One of my favorites from the shoot:

They are so good together, and have such a great relationship; it is inspiring.

Pat and Jen do have some kids, I guess. ;) Here are their babies, Duke and Kahlua.

Pat and Jen, May you always remember the original couple, and may your relationship always be full of flirt and fun! xoxo Kam

You always use such amazing backgrounds....sure wish we lived closer!
Fun and flirty are perfect words for this shoot. So much fun!!! Playful couple and great pics. I have a few favs but really love the new shots. I've had the pleasure of meeting Pat and Jen - the pics capture them! Jen looks beautiful...could I have her eyelashes? I love the pic with the dogs...everyone looks so handsome.
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