Our trip to Arizona was just what we needed. Some time away filled with family, laughs, and lots of love. On the way home Jaren told me that he had discovered something while doing some cleaning... Apparently we have had a water leak for quite some time now. A leak that left 1/4 inch of water under our hardwood floor and in our drywall. This is what I can home to on Sunday:
That is our kitchen, under all that plastic. The damage started next to the fridge but traveled into the family room and clear to the front door.

That's the front door...it traveled a long way.

Remember the gorgeous dining room my man built me a few years ago? Damage in there too...

A lot of the drywall has been removed...

And HUGE pieces of the most beautful hardwood you have ever seen have been taken out...

These fans blow constantly to help remove the moisture.

This is where our built-in is supposed to be. Jaren told me on the way home, "Good thing I hadn't started it right?"
(I have been begging for it for years now..., but yes, it would have been removed had he started it, and his work is so amazing
it would have broken my heart to have seen it destroyed.)

This is the entry to our upstairs. It reminds me of the film ET. Remember when they found out there was an
alien in the house and the quarantined everything?
Remember how they had zipper doors on every room? Oh yeah, we have ET doors. ;)

The silver lining? It is all under warranty and will be back to the way it was soon. ;)
The other super silver lining?
Our home-builder is providing us with all of our meals until the kitchen is restored.
So I guess I can thank the water damage for that. ;)
Here's something much prettier to look at. Just a peek from our trip to AZ. More to come of those soon, K

Wow!! Sorry to hear about all that but good to hear it is covered under warranty. Enjoy those meals...hmm, maybe water damage isn't so bad!! Hope you can handle the mess until it is fixed!
OHnoes!!! I'm so sorry to hear it, you guys have worked so hard on your beautiful home. I'm glad to hear about the warranty, and of course you always find the positive side somehow. Of course, nothing can be too bad with your sweet family safe and healthy.
HOLY COW... I was ALMOST in tears....Your home is tooooooooo beautiful for that to happen to it. Soooooooo glad to hear that it will all be replaced with someone else's pocket book and by someone else's labor!!! I'm coming over for dinner on Standard Pacific.\''/
Oh no! I hope its restored quickly and is better than ever!! Big hugs!
Oh man! I'm so sorry! But you know, having dinner every night without having to cook would make it ALMOST worth it! :)
That is a bust for sure! That happened to our hard wood at our last home too...but at least in just a small spot...
your beautiful house...oh, it hurts me to see that...thank goodness it was on the builder...
that has to be hard living in plastic wrap..hope they get it fixed up soon...
Holy Crap. Glad it's covered and lucky you have Handy Mandy Jr. and Sr. living with you. I'm sorry you'll have to try and keep kids away from all the fun stuff.
OH NO Kam...i'm sad for your hard wood. That happened to us last year when we were living in my parents home...the fans were the worst part, it really bothered Paige's asthma, so they had to put a HUGE air filter upstairs. We didn't get ET doors. lol. Hope it's all fixed up for you soon.
Wowza, those are not pretty pictures at all ;) Make sure to order dessert with all your meals!
HI! I found your blog through Jessica Claire! Sorry to see that H2O damage!
I saw part of your little lady's nursery in one of Jessica's pictures. Do you have a post on your blog w/ more of the nursery? I am in love with it... I think... LOL... from just the one picture!
Anyway, I would appreciate it if you did have pics up to tell me what post.
Thanks! Enjoy your day!
Erin J
Hey I am also new at becoming a photgrapher and was wondering what kind of camera do you have?
Oh my gosh...I feel horrible for you! Thank goodness it is under warranty! Living in plastic is never fun! :( At least it didn't touch your little girl's amazing nursery!!!
By the way, I saw the post Jessica Claire did on your family...those pictures are AMAZING and your family is GORGEOUS!!! You are truly an amazing photographer and she must be an incredible inspiration to you!!! You are following in her photography footsteps well! :)
Holy crap! All I can say is thank goodness for the warranty!
Ugh! That really sucks, Kam! I love the way you captured your E.T. doors. ;)
That is awful! At least it is covered. We have brazilian cherry that is just a bit too shiny for me and I want to re-sand them, but those pictures are making me reconsider.
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