We have been home from Arizona for a few weeks now. I have felt terribly homesick for the AZ family since we came back. Perhaps it is because it was so nice to be away for a while an not have the responsibilities of home to manage. Maybe it is because Gunnar and Larkin loved spending time with their cousins, and running in the AZ sunshine. I think I mostly have been homesick because I feel so completely understood, validated, accepted, encouraged, inspired, and loved while there, with those people!!
There is so much to share about all the laughs we had and the moments of connection, but I will just let the pictures of these gorgeous faces do most of the talking!! No crying, ok Grandma Nuzman? ;)
My sister in law Kim has become a really good friend over the past few years. She and I have worked through our master's programs together and I think our perseverance has been each other's strength at times. She is one of the best listeners I know and shows such compassion and understanding for others; a quality I wish I had more of!

Stunning! Seriously. (Now, get your bangs out of your face Kim! ;) HAHAHA! Sorry, couldn't help myself!! ;))

Kim is one of those people who will drop you a line or an email out of no-where but it is always when you need it the most. She is generous with her gifts and her words of encouragement; I always feel so lifted and supported after a visit with her!! I would love to offer her the same amount of encouragement someday...

Be sure to leave her some love in the comments section reminding her how wonderful and gorgeous she is...AND if anyone has an awesome brother or friend...Kim, believe it or not, is available. (hard to believe looking at her huh?) BUT, that brother or friend would have to make it through me first because Kim deserves the very best!!

Here a just a couple of my lemon-drop girl...who loved all the attention from her cousins and misses their faces in hers...;)

And a couple of G-man who asks to play with his cousins everyday or asks me to play the "Mason/Stacy" game where he plays Mason and I play Stacy; that's good stuff!

I actually didn't see much of Gun the week we were in AZ. He stayed pretty close to his cool cousins.

Mason, the cousin Gunnar idolizes (he kept wanting to follow him around, do everything like him, and when he forgot his name kept calling him, "the one with the glasses.";)), is an accomplished pianist; he has even written his own music, that for his age and standing as a musician is really, really good. He will be the musician that we all travel to Carnegie Hall to listen too. All I know is that he must keep it up; chics dig piano playing guys. ;) Gunnar will play for sure! ;) He also writes exceptionally well; he shared one of his stories with me and I was so impressed. I wanted to publish it here...maybe another time. Mason has a strong will that I believe someday will help him accomplish really great things. I enjoyed being with him immensely because he has such a fun personality, can laugh at himself (in most cases), works really hard to be good at things, and is a good brother, son, and friend. I love you Mae.

Parker is going to have his face on a Wheaties box someday! He was born to play sports. I wish I had just a little bit of his athleticism in my body. He is so coordinated and good at every sport, but especially football. He is one to watch... seriously. He is also very nurturing and kind-hearted. He would sit in front of Larkin for minutes on end just staring at her or talking softly to her, like she was the most fascinating thing in the world. If she made a peep he offered her a toy or his hair to pull on. ;) He was so sweet and good to her. I have had a huge crush on Park since he was born. ;) I have a thing for babies that cry... a lot! ;)

Love this one:

You will see Parker's face on posters someday...for sports not for crimes. ;) Parkie, I love you so much!!!
Casey is the final bro in this trio. He too had an affinity for Lark, and consequently melted my heart. He unfortunately came down with pneumonia while we were there. One morning, while on his death bed he said, "Where's Yarkee?" Stacy said, "What did you say?" He said adamantly, "I SAID, WHERE'S YARKEE?" His only concern on the first day of his wretched sickness was his cousin. Casey too is such a sweet boy. He loves to chase after his brothers and will play anything with a ball, bat, hoop or net. In fact a few times I caught him looking at Gunnar a little funny when Gun tried to get him to play pirates or make-believe. Apparently if it doesn't have to do with a bat or a ball it is not accepted play for this AZ boy! It was quite funny actually. I loved how close Casey wanted to be to me and to Lark. It was fun to visit with him about school and baseball and to listen to all the fun thoughts running around his little mind. If he comes up missing, Trav and Stac, check my house first! ;) Casey-Kasum, I love you so so so much!!

This is the only picture I have of my bro-in-law, Travis, that doesn't slightly resemble an escapee from a mental institution. You know what pictures I am referring to, Trav. :) We all do!!

A few of all three together. I loved their expressions in this one:

AND this one:

I don't have any of my sister-in-law Stacy. Which is a bummer because I think she is one of the most beautiful women I know, on so many levels!! She just got a new camera and spent a lot of time behind it during our visit! Next time we are together I will get some of she and Travis looking fab- not like mental patients (that comment was for Trav, Stac. You could never look like that!!)
When I am feeling blue I try to remind myself of everything great that I have in my life in attempts to cheer myself up. These are just a few of the faces that usually change my grey skies to blue. It's my people that usually make me smile and feel happy and balanced; I am so glad to call them family.
Thanks for a great trip; already looking forward to the next one!! Love you all so much, Kam
p.s. How many tissues did you go through Grandma?