I am afraid of change. I hate it. Big time. In fact my parents bought me this book a long time ago called Who Moved My Cheese, that was supposed to help me embrace change through a moldy cheese analogy. It was clever and I liked it, but I still fear the big C word. Not today. Today I am excited for change.
In honor of my little business and it's growth, in honor of June 1st and thematic me I am launching...drum roll please...a brand spanking new blog. (The crowd goes wild!) HOOORAYYYY! It is time to upgrade to kameejune 2.1.
Blogspot has been a great start for kamee june photography, but it is starting to feel a little too homemade for me and for the goals I have for my business. This blog will still stay live, but not active.
My personal and professional journaling will now be found at...wait for it...http://kameejune.com/theblog/
A sneak peek of what is waiting for you at the new blog.

Want to see more? Go on... click the link... there is a present waiting for you...http://kameejune.com/theblog/ This moment, right now, we celebrate change...
join me.